Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/258

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yielding to necessity was tearing down the ob- struction.

Sheldon's rancho on the Cosumnes was the scene of civil discord during the first days of July 1851. A dam had been built by Sheldon for the purpose of ir- rigating his land. But while a benefit to him, it was a great injury to the miners working on the river above, as the water flowed back on their claims ; where- fore they rebelled and threatened to destroy his works. Sheldon, bringing 150 ranchmen to his support, with a six-pounder placed in position, prepared to resist the miners. The latter, however, in Sheldon's absence, spiked the cannon and took prisoner the man who had charge of it. Sheldon, upon his return, finding the miners advancing with axes to cut away the centre of the breastwork, undertook to defend the dam, and with twelve allies walked forward and took positions in different places, Sheldon then remonstrated with the miners, told them that they were trespassing on his property, and threatened death to the first man who should attempt to cut away the dam. Immedi- ately a shot was fired from the besieging party, strik- ing;; Johnson, one of Sheldon's adherents, and almost instantly killing him. Some one in the crowd ex- claimed, "there, we've killed Johnson, now give it to Sheldon, give it to Sheldon ! " Half a dozen guns were aimed at him, and he, too, fell dead. Another of his party was killed and two wounded. Several were taken prisoners, but speedily released. The num- ber of miners is variously estimated at from forty to one hundred. They escaped with little or no injury.

A difiiculty arose at Park bar, about the middle of July 1851, over some mining claims. The authorities interfered, but were successfully resisted by seven men, who maintained their claim in a most defiant manner.' The authorities then sent to Marysville for assistance, and two officers, McCloud and Bowen, came over to make an arrest, but were met by sixty belligerents, who, armed with pick-handles and stones,