Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/281

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who was to

have acted a part that night, did not Hve in harmony with her husband, but found the society of Mr Coad, a member of the same company, more congeniaL Matters had not proceeded far when Mr Hambleton brought on the climax in a storm of passion. Con- fronting the lovers, who were guiltless of any crimi- nality, he made the man promise to quit the country instantly. The woman seeing all hope of happiness had gone, took poison and died ; whereat Coad also took poison and attempted to die, but could not. There was no performance at the Jenny Lind that night.

Jeems Pipes to the San Francisco Evening Picayune writes from Sacramento the 21st of August 1850: — -

  • ' To dessippate my retched sensay shuns I go to the

M street Fasifidce Theatre; by the way, one of the most perfekt speciments of arkitekshure in the wurld. The band led by Mons Bona were a playin a^Uenny Lind poker, and the ordience, graced by sum interest- ing phemales, wos quite large, orderly, and respekta- bel. The play was ' Honey Moon,' Mr and Mrs Thorne, from Chatham Theatre, the principal attrak- shun. Six months ago upon the same spot wos I sittin on a log, wittling, and nuthing to see but stumps, and treas, and a few dirty tents — so much for the go-ahedativeness of Amerikans."

The signals on Telegraph hill became so many and so intricate, and withal were so important to anx- iously gazing expectants, that an enterprising lithog- rapher conceived the idea of putting them on a chart where all could see and learn them. One night short- ly after the publication of this chart, a newsboy sat in the top loft of the theatre, cracking peanuts, and criti- cising the sons and daughters of Thespis, as they strutted their brief parts before him. Presently one rushed upon the stage with arms extended at right angles with his body, and exclaimed, •* What means this my lord  ?" The boy who not oidy knew well the chart, but whose fancy was then revelling in