Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/300

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Harry, quicklj'- and vehemently say your prayers so that hell may hear, for if the north wind fails you, you lose jour head and the South American govern- ments a great railway financier. Alas 1 the Active breaks down and the swindler escapes.

A magnificent audacity characterized all the tran- sactions of this the prince of California swmdlers, or as his victims put it, he "played it in fine on 'em." Thirty-three thousand dollars of Wm Neeley Thompson and Go's forged notes were endorsed by Henry Meiggs two and a half months prior to his departure. Stock of the California Lumber Company, of which he was president, was forged to a large amount — some said half a million. It was his custom invariably to give his forged paper as collaterals to moneyed men who would lock them up and make no attempt to realize on them ; or he would deposit it in some bank, take a certificate to that effect, and obtain the money on the certificate. In this way his guilt was kept secret up to the last moment.

When the captain of the American was questioned why he was fitting up his boat so sumptuously and whither he was bound, he replied, that the vessel had been purchased by two wealthy gamblers, who in- tended a trip of pleasure and adventure on the Pa- cific, first to Pugret Sound and then to Australia. In leaving the city with his family Meiggs took a car- riage and said he was going to San Mateo; but stop- ping at Mission Point on the bay, he embarked in a small boat for his vessel, which was lying in the stream. No sooner was he fairly on board than the bark was towed out to sea, and hoisting all sail was soon out of sight. Before leaving he wrote a letter to Goddefroy, Sillem & Co., informing them of his intended departure from the country never to return. Owing them a large amount he left a confession of judgment in their favor for two hundred thousand dollars, under which they immediately attached a large amount of property. This letter and confession