Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/367

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to me," replied Taylor. Lee did as he had been directed, and returned reporting the purchase of a cargo.

"What does it consist of?" demanded Taylor. "Oregon bacon, flour, and boots and shoes," was the reply.

"Exactly what we want," said Taylor. "About the pay—what arrangement did you make?" "Not any."

"Well, in the morning say to him that his money is ready, and he shall have it as soon as the goods are landed." "That is all very well," said Lee, "but I would like to know what kind of a scrape I am getting into." "Does the captain drink?" " He soaks in it all the time." "All right; see that plenty of whiskey is always at hand; as fast as the cargo is discharged, send it to me, but do not let him take it out too rapidly; tell him our team is worked hard, and that we are so crowded we cannot stow it away faster."

All went on smoothly at the embarcadero. The master of the vessel thought Lee one of the best men he had ever met, exceedingly honest and truthful. Taylor handled himself lively about the store. Ha made trade brisk. Some of those in the crowd that was coming and going he knew; they and others wanted supplies. The goods as they arrived were not put into the store, but were piled up outside, thus making a grand display. Such large merchants must surely have large means, and good credit. The result of it all was the merchandise was sold as fast as delivered, and when the captain came for his money, the partners had enough to pay for the cargo, vessel, and all

It happened one day with Mr Palmer, in settling off-hand some accounts with a business acquaintance involving heavy transactions, that he stood near a pile of lumber. There was due the man from Palmer $25,000, for which Palmer gave a check on Palmer, Cook, and Company, writing it with chalk on a shingle, which was presented and promptly paid.

The diggers alone produced the gold; as for the rest, all preyed on them and on each other.