Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/378

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, new

speech, and new names. Conventionalisms, creeds, and politics were left at home in coming hither; here were new conditions for a fresh unfolding. New con- ventionalities arose, crude and strange, born of the necessities of the new society; for intellect, volition, and passion must of necessity develop form and fashion.

Some trivial circumstance— anything which hap- pened to strike the fancy of the dominant spirits among his new associates — as likely as not fastened upon each new comer an appellation which adhered to him through life. Thus the dress of one suggested the name of Frippery Jim, the complexion of another that of Black Bill or Red Bover.

Almost every mining camp had its Yank and Sandy, its Little Breeches, Pike, Boston, Mississippi, Mis- souri, Brlcktop, and so on, names significant of pecu- liarity or place. There was no one to vouch for the truth of the stranger's statements concerning himself. It was scarcely to be supposed that he would give his past character exactly according to the record; and who knew but that he might also have changed his name? "Who are you?" in a tone by no means likely to place a timid man at his ease, was the first question. "Sturgis, Deacon Sturgis, they used to call me in Connecticut, where I came from." "You a deacon," with an ominous step forward, "Hell is full of such deacons I" Another quick survey for a salient point, and a sanctimonious air seems predominant, which together with the report given of the new arrival de- termines the matter. "This is Pious Pete," and if the christened one was wise, he would gracefully ac- cept his new name, and invite all hands to partake of the new communion.

San Francisco, as well as Athens, had its Diogenes. Philosopher Pickett was his name. Between Pickett and his Athenian prototype there existed certain dif- ferences incident in some measure to differences in age and country. For example, instead of rolling in