Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/424

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pieces his papers, and informed him if he valued his life he would drop that business and go home, which Tracy was very glad to be able to do. The band then rode to the house of Pena, where Lugo, one of the owners of a large tract, was stopping and forced him under threats of hanging to sign an article of release of title to certain lands, and also to immediately and forever retire from those parts. Next the mob pro- ceeded to Healdsburg, distant from the former frolic about six miles, in search of Dr Frisbie, a landholder whom they proposed to force into the relinquishment of Ills title to a portion of his lands. The citizens rallied to the support of law and government, and though the squatters threatened to burn the town, held their ground, and the free-land men retired.

At Suisun in December 1862 certain squatters against whom John B. Frisbie had obtained judg- ment, and a writ of restitution, refused to A^acate when ordered to do so by the sheriff; whereupon that officer summoned to his aid a posse, and marched agahist them when they yielded.

The original proprietors of Boise city, Idaho, bought the town site from ranchmen who had settled there, surveying it and laying it out in town lots ; to every one who wished to build a dwelling they gave a piece of ground. Business lots they sold. All went well until in the autumn of 1864, a judge and two lawyers dropped upon the place and then began lot-jumping and litigation.

In some way the sentiment got abroad that the proprietor's title was valueless, that the ground on which the city was built was public domain, and that any one might settle on any unoccupied Spot. Then the two lawyers revelled in fat. Those who had taken possession of their neighbor's property, hoping to get something for nothing, after submitting to ex- pensive litigations were obliged to step down from their position and leave the land to its original occu- pants and their successors.