Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/502

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Actual hostilities were commenced on the 2 2d of December by Jack's band in force attacking a wagon from Camp Bidwell, with a small detachment under Bernard, when within a mile of camp at Land's, on the east side of Tule lake. One soldier, five horses, and one mule were killed at the first fire delivered from an ambuscade. The sound of their guns being heard at camp. Lieutenant Kyle hastened to the rescue with nearly all the troops, only ten being mounted. Skirmishing was kept up throughout the day, the Indians being driven from one rocky ledge to another by the superior arms of the troops, the range of which seemed to surprise them greatly. Their object in attacking was to capture the ammunition in the wagon, in which attempt they failed, losing their horses, and four warriors killed and wounded. A bugler whom they pursued outran them, and made good his escape to Crawley's, when Jackson's troop was at once sent to the aid of Bernard, but before his arrival the Indians had retreated. About the same time the Indians showed themselves in small parties on Lost river, opposite the military headquarters, inviting the attack of the soldiers, and also on the mountain near Van Bremer's, where Perry and Ross were encamped. Evidently the apparent hesitation of the troops had given them much encouragement.

About the 25th of December Wheaton, who was awaiting the arrival of the howitzers and of ammunition from Camp Bidwell before making an attack on the Modoc stronghold, had as above mentioned ordered the Oregon volunteers to the front. Captain Applegate, anticipating an early engagement, and fearing what might happen in the event of the Modocs being driven from the lava beds without being captured, sent information of the coming battle to the settlers, and instructed them to fortify. The people in Langell valley nearest the stronghold, preferred going to Linkville; and while a party of five families were en route they were fired upon by Modocs concealed in