Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/536

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have tlirown away everything. There must be no more bad talk. I will not. I have spoken forever. I want soldiers all to go home. I have given up now, and want no more fuss. I have said yes, and thrown away my country. I want soldiers to go away, so I will not be afraid. When I go to Yainax I don't want to come back here, but want to go to town, and then to the new country. I wanted to go to a new country and not come back any more to see my people; that is why I wanted to go to Yainax. I want to see how many of my relations would go with me. I feel bad for my people in the lava beds. I would cry if I did not see my people at Yainax. I don't know the new country, and they wouldn't know where they were. I know no country but Shasta and Pitt river. But I say yes, and consent to everything and go away. I don't want to live here any more, because I can't live here any more in peace. I wish to go to the southern country and live in peace. I want my people to stay here till I and some of lily head men go and look at the new country. I want Riddle and some others to go with me. I want clothing and food for my men. I want it given to them here. I don't want them to think I am deceiving them. I want my people to be taken care of while I am looking for the new country. I want to know where they can stay and eat when I am gone. I want to stop with Fairchild. I want to know if they got mad at me so quick because I could not believe them at once. I could not come; I had but two horses, and the Klamaths took my good one. I have no saddle, and my horses have been ridden so much they are not fit to ride. I am a chief; am proud; am ashamed to ride a poor horse. I understand their talk now. It seems now that I have been with them, and talked with them and seen them. I talk with my mouth. They have paper men to write down what I say. I want Fairchild to come tomorrow to see me. Mary has brought back good