Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/547

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delegation from Yainax, and was able to quiet the apprehensions occasioned by this unauthorized allegation against the Klamaths. The people on the reservation were at no time afraid of the Klamaths, although they were just then under apprehensions in regard to the hostile Modocs, The Indians on the reservation were fearful of an attack. "Jack had lono; before the war told old Sconchin and other Yainax Indians," says Applegate, "that in case of a war with the whites he would destroy Yainax, and kill the Indians there if they did not join him. Old Sconchin told me this early in the war, and said if Jack's band came to Yainax on a raid, liis men would die fighting for the place and their white friends. The Modocs did scout in the vicinity of Yainax, and it is altogether probable that had we not been constantly on the alert a descent would have been made en us during the first months of the war."

On the 31st of March a movement by the troops in force was made, three hundred marching to the upper end of Lower Klamath lake, and thence on the 1st of April to Tule lake and the lava beds. On the 2d the Modocs sio-nified their willing^ness to confer with the commissioners at a point midway between headquarters and the stronghold. Jack reiterated his terms, to be allowed to have Lost river, with a general amnesty, and to have the troops all taken away. The most that was accomplished was to obtain consent to erect a council tent, the weather being stormy and cold, at a place on the lava beds about a mile and a quarter from the camp of the commissioners, where future negotiations could be carried on. On the 4th a request was made by Jack that Meacham, Roseborough and Fairchild should meet him with a few of his men at the council tent. They went, accompanied by Riddle and his wife Toby as interpreters. Jack was accompanied by six warriors and the women of his own family.

Colonel Mason had been ordered to move his com