Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/549

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by Toby Riddle conveying a proposition to Jack to surrender with any others who might elect to do so. The proposition was not only declined, but in such a manner that on her return Toby assured the commissioners and Canby that it would be no longer safe for them to meet the Modocs in council. The information was lightly treated by the generals, and by Thomas — the former feeling behind them the power of the federal government, the latter trusting in the power of the almighty—but was regarded as of more consequence by Meacham and Dyar, who better understood the characters of the informer and of the Indians informed against. Through the indiscretion of Thomas, the Modocs were made aware that their contemplated plan of assassination was understood, a knowledge which undoubtedly hastened its consummation.

On the morning of the 8th Jack sent a messenger to the commissioners, requesting a conference at the council-tent, and a proposition to meet them with only six unarmed men. But the signal officer at the station overlooking the lava beds reporting six Indians at the council-tent and twenty more in the rocks behind them, all armed, the invitation was not accepted, and no meetino; was had. Jack understood from this rejection of his overtures that he was suspected, and that whatever he did must be done quickly. He had gained by his baffling course the time needed, so that should he be compelled to leave the lava beds he could escape, and join or be joined by the Snakes on the east. This he intended to do, first destroying the army generals and the peace commission, by which he expected to throw the troops into temporary confusion, and during the confusion to carry out his plans.

Therefore on the morning of the 10th a delegation from Jack's camp consisting of Boston Charley, Hooker Jim, William, or Whim as he was called, and Dave visited the commissioners at headquarters about three miles from the stronghold, and brought a propo