Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/564

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Modocs to dispute their passage. About eleven the Indians seemed to rally, and the troops made a general movement to sweep the lava beds. Down upon the fated band they poured, each soldier eager to be first. No quarter now ; think of Canby ! Thus they rushed pell mell into the stronghold. With uplifted sword and gun ready, all breathless they prepared to strike. But what is this ? Where are the dastardly red skins? Utterly vanished! An examination of the ground showed a fissure in the pedregal leading from the caves to the distant hills. This pass had been marked with rocks and poles so that it could be followed in the darkness; and through it had been conveyed to a place of safety the families and property of the savages, men enough only having been left to keep up an appearance of fighting during retreat. It was the effort to keep the pass open and undiscovered, that had so long prevented the junction of Mason's left with jjrreen's right. After having successfully retreated to a place of safety, a portion of the Modoc warriors returned and engaged the troops for about one hour. Before quitting the scene altogether a party of them escaped to the rear of Green's command, and between him and his camp killed a teamster from Yreka named Eugene Hovey, mutilating his body horribly, and taking from him four horses and a mule. Two newspaper correspondents were fired on but they escaped by running.

The news that the strono-hold had been evacuated, and the Modocs had escaped, was carried by messengers in every direction, and the greatest excitement prevailed. The intelligence was received in Yreka with "the greatest amazement," so sure had been the hope of the speedy close of the war whenever the military were permitted to act in their proper capacity. Even now people tried to comfort themselves by repeating that the stronghold was captured. But the mere possession of the classic caves, now that Jack .was out of them, and free to carry on a guerilla war