Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/582

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member for assistance, and do all the necessary burning and killing, which latter might include white men as well as Chinamen. Oaths were administered promising secrecy and implicit obedience to the orders of the council of nine, under penalty of death. Over 150 members were enrolled upon this basis. The council of nine had their secret place of meeting, which was over a butcher's shop, where they entered one at a time.

Most Californian towns are satisfied with one Chinese quarter. Chico had two, besides scattered clumps of Celestials in their shingle shanties or white tents wherever they happened to be at work.

The first meeting; of the council of nine was held in February 1877, on which occasion it was proposed to burn old Chinatown. Failing to reach a conclusion, the meeting adjourned to the second night after, when the proposition came up to burn both Chinatowns. As time and the cause progressed the killing of six prominent citizens was seriously discussed. John Bidwell was specially obnoxious for employing Chinese, and opposing coercion. Said Wright the stableman on one occasion, "If the council orders me I will go out and return immediately with Bidwells scalp."

A secret society called the Order of Caucasians had existed for some time on this coast, based upon ignorant and fanatical opposition to JMongolians. This organization was composed mostly of foreigners, with a few American mountebanks, who for the privilege of acting as leaders did not hesitate to pander to the lowest passions and prejudices of the demented fanatics. While affecting great regard for law and order, they bound themselves to principles tending to the most diabolical crimes. Caucasian clubs, or encampments as they were called, were scattered throughout the entire country. Second only to their outrageous measures against Mono:olians was their declared antagonism against American citizens who employed or