Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/587

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occupation just then was clearing a piece of ground by contract, which work had been previously offered to white men, and by them refused, at four dollars an acre more than the Mongolians received.

In the afternoon of the day mentioned, Roberts called at Slaughter's laundry and asked John to accompany him to the slaughter-house and assist in turning up beef. John assented. While engaged at their work Roberts paused as if a thought had suddenly struck him.

"Let's go up and burn the China cabin on Lemm's ranch," he said.

"Agreed," replied Slaughter. "Who will go?"

"Fred Conway and I, Thomas Stainbrook, and Charles Slaughter, making five in all," said Roberts.

The party met according to agreement just above the house of Roberts father shortly after 7 o'clock, and proceeded up the Humboldt road toward Lemm's rancho, Roberts and John Slauo-hter marched before, and the others followed. Roberts was captain of the occasion. A wagon passing, all hid themselves behind a looj. Neither Conwav nor Steinbrook knew the exact nature of the work to be done ; hence they were somewhat startled upon Robert's cooly remarking as they neared the hut, "Unless we kill the Chinamen we will be arrested." They did not object to rob them and burn the premises, but they were not prepared to murder. The others were, however, and it was too late now for any to retreat. None of them were disguised. Scaling a fence the party approached the house and entered. Within were six Chinamen lounging off the fatigues off a hard day's work in various attitudes about the room. Instantly every one of them were covered by revolvers in the hands of the assaulting party. They were then ordered to come forward and seat themselves close together on the floor. While three of the assailants stood guard over them, two, Roberts and Charles Slaughter emptied their pockets and examined the