Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/616

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I am not mistaken." Unable to restrain himself further he arose to his feet.

"Is it Edward McGowan I have the honor of addressing? " blandly asked the attorney. " That's my name," said Ned, rmming his fingers through his well-oiled hair. The attorney was satisfied. His course was clear. Turning to his clients he said:

"Gentlemen, you have no use for me. You may as well come down heavy with the coin first as last; it is your only chance."

Among: other court notices in the San Francisco Evening Picayune of the 20th of August, 1850, appears the following: " Justice McGowan's court. An interesting case came off this morning, interesting because several interesting young ladies appeared as witnesses. Thomas Jackson claimed $200 for wages as barkeeper against Eliza Crothers and her husband, Owen Crothers, and presented as evidence in his behalf Miss Maloney and Miss Margaret Waring, two young ladies of rare attractions and fashionable apparel. The judge, of course, could do noticing less than render a verdict in favor of the plaintiff."

Throug^hout the whole viojilance excitement of 1856 the courts were treated with profound respect by the committee except in the few instances where they interfered with the performance of the line of duty marked out by the committee. Not so the criminals, in whose estimation courts of justice seemed to have sunk into contempt. On the 28th of May, one John Brown, whose impudence was equalled only by his egotism, was called from the mayor's dock.

" Who are you ? " demanded the mayor.

  • A son of a sea cook," was the reply.

" What is your name ? "

" I am a sea-lawyer. I shipped before the mast as a matter of form, but practised law in the forecastle all the voyage."

" Was your court recognized by the captain ? "