Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/624

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my friend, I know Barbour, and somebody has been slandering him to you."

So saying, and without waiting for a reply, he wrote down the name of Lloyd Magruder to take the place of his own, and read on down the ticket, name by name, but not another of them did his unlearned friend order scratched. The man then deposited his vote. The judge was beaten.

They used to do similar things in Ireland, if we may believe Curran, who gives the follo.wing examination of a witness:

"Did you vote at the election?"

"I did, sir."

"Are you a freeholder?"

"I'm not, sir."

"Did you take the freeholder's oath?"

"I did, sir."

"Who did you vote for?"

" Mr Bowles Daly, sir."

"Were you bribed?"

" I was, sir.

"How much did you get?"

"Five guineas, sir."

"What did you do with it ? "

  • 'I spint it, sir."

"You may go down,"

"I will, sir."

Few places could boast of courts with speedier jurisdiction than Folsom and vicinity. By one justice a man was sentenced to be hanged within ten days, without benefit of clergy. By another, before whom three miners were brought for obstructing the highway, time was refused for sending for counsel; continuance of the case was next refused; then the court objected to both jury and witnesses; finally the men were tried at midnight, found guilty, and imprisoned. Next day they were brought before the district judge upon a writ of habeas corjpus, and discharged.