Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/63

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Mexicans have recently discovered a section of coun- try, in the extreme interior of CaUfornia, which af- fords ample evidences of the existence of both gold and silver ore, in greater or less quantities, for thirty leagues in extent. Since this report is so very extra- ordinary, and since it originated as above stated, the safest course would be to believe but about half of it, and then, perhaps, we should believe too much. Doctor Sandels, a very able mineralogist, who had for some time been employed in his profession by the government of Mexico, spent four or five months in mineralogical investigation in Upper California. It was from this gentleman that the above information was de- rived, hence it is entitled to implicit reliance." Sutter toQ^ a great interest in this scientist, and in his labors. Sandels was a Swede educated in London, as Bidwell says, though Thorpe affirms that he obtained his edu- cation in a government institution in his own country, and that he called himself one of the king's orphans ; that is, in return for an education at the expense of the government he was to make investigations in foreign parts for the benefit of the institution, such being one of its regulations. Others say that he had lived in Mexico and was sent by the duke of Bedford to explore California.

Bidwell thinks that he had been in Brazil, and was for some time associated with M. Bonpland. He is said to have been robbed in Mexico, of the proceeds of property sold in Brazil to the amount of $189,000, though how the king's orphan obtained such a sum no one attempts to explain. Sandels spent several days at New Helvetia enjoying the hospitality of its proprietor, who took great delight in his society. Seeing him so much interested in minerals, and so unwearied in his researches thereabout, Sutter said to him one day, *' Doctor, can you not find me a gold mine  ? " Placing his hand upon the shoulder of his host, the doctor replied, " Captain Sutter, your best mine is in the soil. Leave to governments to provide