Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/643

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guilty. I sentenced him to restore the goold dust to the Court, and, to receive well lade on 40 lashes on his bare back, and to pay the Costs of the Court.

" Cost of Court 5 ounces which Jose not having I rooled that James Knowlton should pay. Deducted the amount and returned the balance to the owner James Knowlton.

July 9, 1851. RICH'D C. BARRY, J. P. U. H. Brown, Constable."

"In caze" number 516 the "Costs of coort" seems to be the idea momentarily ruling the judge's mind. *' This is a sute for mule steeling, in which Jesus Ramirez is indited for steeling one black mare mule, branded O with a 5 in it, from Sheriff Work. George swares the mule m question is hisn, and I beleeve so, too; on hearing the caze, I found Jesus Ramirez gilty of, felonously and against the law made and provided and the dignity of the people of Sonora, steelin' the aforesade mare mule, sentenced him to pay the cost of court, $10, and fined him $100 more asaterrourto all evil-dooers. Jesus Ramirez not having any munny to pay with, I rooled that George Work should pay the costs of coort as well as the fine, and in default of payment that the said one mare mule be sold by the constable, John Luney, or other officers of the court, to meet the expenses of the costs of coort, as also the payment of the fine aforesaid.

-R. C; BARRY, J. P.

"Sonora, Aug. 21, 1851.

"John Luney, Constable.

"N. B. Barber, the lawyer for George Work, insolently told me there were no law for me too rool so. I told him I didn't care a damn for his book law, that I was the law myself. He continued to jaw back. I told him to shot up, but he wouldn't; I fined him $50, and committed him to goal 5 days for contempt of court in brinsfino; mv roolinf]:s and dississions into disreputableness and as a warning to unrooly persons not to contradict this court."