Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/650

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" Of course I did," was the reply.

" That's a lie; I haven't seen any paper."

" Order in the court 1 " roared the judge. " Give him that paper, you big lump of whale blubber, and lawfully arrest William Bowman, in the name of the United States."

Big Charley handed the paper to Bowman, who opened it and read as follows: "You are hereby commanded to leave the bay within twenty-four hours or receive twenty-five lashes. And may the Lord have mercy on your soul. John- W. Champ, justice of the peace."

" This looks more like a vio-ilance notice than a warrant of arrest," said Bowman. " Of what am I accused, and by whom?"

"Accused ! " exclaimed the judge, " Of everything, and by the whole Beach. You know you stole Mr Kussell's money, and that you are a pirate and a red rover,"

"Who says I stole money; who makes such a charge, and who are the witnesses," said the prisoner, now fairly aroused.

" See here. Bowman," replied the judge. " We don't want any witnesses in this matter. You know all about it without beino; told; and as for the charo-e, I bring that myself, and to. save time I wrote out what you had to do, and that's the end of it."

"Court was then adjourned; Bowman was put upon a vessel for Astoria, and thus terminated the first legal trial at Showlwater bay.

Not long afterward a deserted sailor, called Bob, was discovered stealing a pair of shoes from a store. The oystermen from what they have seen of the new machinery at Champ's, thought themselves fully as capable as the United States to act in the matter; so without going near the judge they whipped the offender and shipped hira down the coast.

The registrar of the United States' land office may