Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/682

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blankets was the question. But the genius of the landlord was equal to the emergency. The nights were wet and cold, and naturally enough as the boys came in from their supper they sat down to play for the whisky before going to bed. The liquor was strong, the drafts upon it copious, and in due time one after another beginning: to feel its comforting and somnolent effects would ask for a bed. The affable and ready landlord promised to accommodate them all if they would be quiet and take their turns. Conducting the first applicant to the bunk-side of the room which was shielded from view by barrels and boxes, he assisted him into the topmost berth and covered him nicely with the blankets. Then waiting until the man was fast asleep he removed from him the blankets, and spreading them in another berth called for the next, and so on until all were put to bed and asleep. Then taking the blankets from the bed of the last customer, the landlord rolled himself comfortably in them, threw himself upon the floor, and slept soundly until morning.

The first man awakes shivering with cold; the effects of the fiery fluid have passed away, and the blankets are gone. "Who has stolen my blankets," he growls. This wakens the next who also finds himself uncovered, and the next, until all are up and on the floor cursing in unison the thief. Soon the landlord makes one of the party, and mourns the loss of his blankets. "Well! I must get out of this," says the first. " Landlord, how much is to pay ? " "Two dollars." "Two dollars!" isn't that rather tall for sleeping on two poles ? " " It is only a dollar a pole," replied the landlord, "and I think it very cheap; besides I have lost seven pairs of blankets which you ought to pay for, so you should be satisfied." Fearing if they further demurred they would have the blankets to pay for, each paid his two dollars and withdrew, while the landlord made up his beds for the next night.