Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/688

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town; he interfered to prevent bloodshed, was the umpire in disputes occurring within his precincts, and after the battle attended the wounded, cared for the dying, and buried the dead. In the more lawless districts, a barricade of bags of sand or other bullet-proof barrier was constructed inside the bar under the counter, so that when shooting became lively the bartender had only to drop behind his fortification and be comparatively safe, while those in the middle of the room must drop flat on the floor, or shield their hearts with table, chair, or bench.

Comedy, however, was the rule, and tragedy the exception, and the saloon was the scene of many practical jokes. Catch-bets for drinks, and tricks to bring the uninitiated into ridicule and make them "treat," commanded the resources of the inventive brain. A common "sell" was for some one, usually a judge or other respectable and dignified personage, to invite the crowd to participate, with the welcome words, "Come, boys, let's all take a drink!" Soon the bar is surrounded by a score of ready fellows, each watching in happy mood the concocting of his favorite draught. Touching their glasses all, and bowing acknowledgments to their inviter, twenty arms are uplifted, twenty heads thrown back, twenty watering mouths are opened, and down twenty itching throats twenty nectareous potations erode their way, and as the glasses touch the counter again, the inviter sotto voce observes, "And now, boys, let us all pay for it!"

Innumerable were the toasts given; besides the world-wide and stereotyped "I drink your health," "I pledge you," "here is to you," "my regards," "my respects, gentlemen," were local and individual toasts, as well as those improvised for occasions. Usually they were short and caustic. "Here's luck," "here's fun," "here's at you," "here we go," "here's all the hair off your head," " I am looking towards you," "until to-morrow," "here's another nail in