Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/779

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Terry's Incarceration by the vigilance committee, I paid $200 a week to support a newspaper in his defence. I have also stated, heretofore, that I considered him the only honest man on the supreme bench, but I take it all back." At a time when vituperation was the language current in political circles Broderick was somewhat surpised that words so mild should be selected as the pretext for a meeting and he could add in his letter to Judge Terry : " You are the best judge as to whether the language affords good grounds of offence." To this letter Broderick received a reply from Terry demanding the usual satisfaction.

Long before this the issue of the correspondence had been determined, so that preliminaries were brief Broderick held that before he could retract the words spoken by him at the International, Terry must retract the offensive language used by him at Sacramento, and nothing was further from Terry's purpose. The fermentations of political hate had reached the murderous stage, and one or the other of the leaders must die. Evil doers are punished," says Protagoras not in retaliation for past wrong, but to prevent future wrong; " so these politicians looked before rather than behind them.

Just over the San Francisco boundary, in San Mateo county, on the morning of the 11th of September, the combatants met; but before their bloody work began, Burke, chief of the San Francisco police, appeared upon the ground armed with a warrant of arrest from each county. Arrived at the police court the charge was dismissed; and the two men were given their liberty on the ground that there had been no violation of the law.

Two days later, at a quarter to seven o'clock, on the morning of the 13th of September, at Davisrancho, about two miles south of the east end of Lake Merced, being another point in San Mateo county some twelve miles distant from San Francisco, they