Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/788

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sorry to kill him, but he should not have spoken hastily.

There were principals, seconds, surgeons, friends, and gapers to the measure of five carriages, which conveyed them before six o'clock in the morning from San Andreas to a flat near Torman's. Here the high slaughterers descended from their vehicles and took their positions. At the word both sprang their rifle locks, but Goodwin's gun hung fire and Gatewood's ball sped upon its death mission. Evidently Gatewood contemplated blood in some quarter, for he brought to the field a vehicle suitable for the easy carriage of a dying man, and this he magnanimously left to the one he had made to feel the need of it.

Duels this year were quite the thing, particularly among jurists. Only three days after the affair at San Andreas the town of Sonora sent forth its shrill crow over a first-class fight. Sylvester Knight and J. E. Easterbrook were the combatants; Knight fell at the first fire.

Daniel Showalter, of Mariposa, thirty -two years of age, speaker j9ro tempore of the assembly, and Charles W. Piercy, aged twenty-four, member from San Bernardino, two light-headed boys lately from declaiming school, fought eight miles from San Rafael, at four o'clock, May 25th, 1861, with rifles at forty paces. Upon our legislative floor hourly in accordance with their well-paid duty stood these two wise and most honorable young gentlemen making laws for suffering humanity, when one day upon a certain question Showalter asks leave to explain his vote. Piercy objects. Showalter has nothing but contempt for any gentleman who objects. Piercy challenges and Showalter kills him at the second fire. Had the affair happened thirty years later, possibly Showalter's shot might have dissipated more common-sense.

" The logic of the Enterprise editor is like the love of God." These mysterious words appeared in the editorial of a certain issue of the Virginia Union dur