Page:California Inter Pocula.djvu/839

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Spanisli America, duelling in, 744-5. fcparks, Dr, story of, 351. Spokane, Fort, duelling at, 1814, 745. Sprague, T., statement of, 39. .Springer, T. A., mention of, 629. Squatterism, name, 396; descript. and

evils of, 397-412. Squatters, name, 39G-7; contrasted

with settlers, 397; greed of, 397-8;

power of, 401-2; riots, etc., 402-12. St Helena, Mount, descript. of, 16. Staging, descript. of, 327-31. Stainbrook, T., the Chico riots, 1877,

575-6; trial of, 579. Stanley, E., duel with Inge, 1851,

750. Steamer day, descript. of, 275-6. Steele, E., mention of, 443; Ind.

superintendent, 1863, 447; treaty

with Indians, 1864, 448-50. Steele, negotiations, etc., of, 1873,

512-15. Steilacoom, prison, mention of, 431. Stevens, E., exped. of, 52. Stevens, E. P., the Laura D. Fair

trial, 625. Stidger, duel wath Rust, 1853, 757. Stockbroking, descript. of, 336-7. Stock gambling, evils, etc., of, 686,

692-5. Stockton, election, etc., at, 1849,

609-10; gambling incident at, 1850,

717-18; duelling at, 1854, 7C0. Stoddard, W. P., mention of, 774-5. Stone, story of, 720. Strickland, E. A., attempted escape

of, 426. Strikes, descript. of, 339-40. Suisun, squatter trouble near, 1862,

412. 'Sunday Dispatch,' letter in, 1851,

279-81. Sunset, tropical, descript. of, 203-5. Surprise valley, protection of, 1873,

505 Sutter, Gen. J. A., the gold discov.,

69-76, 84; squatter troubles of, 1850, 408; experience with Indians,

etc., 441-2. Sutter's fort, justice at, 1848, 607-9.

Taylor, C, story of, 353-5.

Terry, D. S., duel with Broderick,

etc., 763-72; trial, etc., of, 772-4. Thellar, Lieut, campaign at the lava

beds, 1872-3, 547, 550. Thiel, the Chico riots, 580.

Thomas, Rev. E., peace commissioner,

1873, 528; indiscretion of, 537;

conference with Modocs, 538-42;

death of, 542-3. Thomas, Major, campaign at the lava

beds, 1872-3, 549-50; 55^7.

Thomas, P. W., duel with Dickson,

1854, 758. Thompson, J. H., story of, 648. Thompson, W. F., gold discov'd by,

1839, 45. Throckmorton, Major, mention of,

509; campaign at the lava beds,

1882-3, 548. Tobin & Duncan, auction rooms, etc.,

of, 1852-3, 356-7. Toby, E., duel with Crane, 1853, 757. Tracy, outrage upon, 41 1-12. Travel, descript. of, 326-31. Truckee, jiistice at, 651-2. True, B., the Chico riots, 1877, 573. Truett, E., mention of, 772. Tucker, duel with Raymond, 1850,

749. Tule lake, Ind. outrages near, 1872,

473-7. Turk, F., story of, 597-8. Tuthill, F., remark of, 47.


Usury laws, remarks on, 343-4. Utah penitentiary, mention of, 434.

Vail, G. C, alcalde of Yreka, 1851,

650-1. Vallejo, justice at, 722-3. Vallejo, Gen. M. G., ' Historia de

California,' 38; prison contract of,

1852, 415. Van Hutten, exped. of, 1541-5, 226. Vaughn, Capt. G., voyage of, 1719,

30. Velasco, duel with Ponce de Leon,

744. Venable, J. W., journey to Cal.,

1849, 191-2. Ver Mehr, Dr, mention of, 267. Viader, Padre, predictions of, 40. Virginia city, duelling, etc. at, 1865,

779-82. Vizcasno, S., voyage, etc. of, 27-8? Voorhies, W. Van, address of, 1853,



Wadsworth, C. L,, alcalde, etc., 1849, 609-10.