Page:Calm dewy morning.pdf/7

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She read the letter, and she leugh,
"Ye needna been sae blate, man;
"Ye might hae come to me yoursel',
"And tauld me a you state, man.

But I ne'er gat sae sair a fleg
Since I came frae my daddie:
The laird cam rap rap to the yeti,
When I was wi' his lady!

Then she pat me behind a chair.
And happ'd me wi' a plaidy:
But, I was like to swarf wi' fear,
And wish'd me wi' my daddy.

The laird gaed out, he saw na me,
I staid till I was ready:
I promis'd, but I ne'er gaed back
To see his bonny lady.


Oh! send Lewis Gorden hame,
And send the lad I winna name;
Tho' his back be at the wa'.
Here's to that's far awa.