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Louis d'Outremer

had been put out by Louis the Pious in 818), Herbert also held sway over extensive domains. Besides Vermandois, he possessed in all probability the counties of Melun and Château-Thierry, and perhaps even that of Meaux, to which, a few months later, he was to add those of Sens and Troyes. His tortuous policy had, as we have seen, made him for several years in King Raoul's reign the arbiter of the situation. Ambitious, astute, and devoid of scruples, Herbert was a dangerous opponent, and was evidently little inclined to further the elevation to the throne of the powerful duke of the Franks in whom he had found a persistent adversary.

Such being the situation, the sentiment of loyalty to the Carolingians once more gained an easy triumph. It was conveniently remembered that when Charles the Simple had fallen into captivity, his wife, Queen Eadgifu, had fled to the court of her father, Edward the Elder, King of the English, taking with her Louis her son who was still a child[1]. Educated at his grandfather's court, then under his uncle Aethelstan, who had succeeded Edward in 926, Louis, whose surname "d'Outremer" ("from beyond the sea") recalls his early years, was now about fifteen. There was a general agreement to offer him the crown. Hugh the Great seems from the outset very dexterously to have taken his claims under his patronage, and when Louis landed a few weeks later at Boulogne he was one of the first to go and greet him. On Sunday 19 June 936, Louis was solemnly crowned at Laon by Artaud, the Archbishop of Rheims.

From the very beginning, Hugh the Great sought to get exclusive possession of the young king. First he brought him with him to dispute possession of Burgundy with its duke, Hugh the Black, brother of the

1 The French Carolingians:

Louis III King of France 879-882 Charles the Bald King of France and Emperor, 840-877

Ansgarde Louis 11 the Stammerer = Adelaide King of France 877-9 Carloman King of France 879--884 Lothair, King of France 954-986 CH. IV. Louis V, King of France 986-987

Otto, Duke of Lower Lorraine d. 1012 (circa) Charles III the Simple King of France d. 920 Louis IV d'Outremer King of France 936-951 Charles, Duke of Lower Lorraine d. 993 (circg) Louis Charles Gerberga = Lambert of Louvain . 1015

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