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General Bibliography


Sources and Literature of English History from the earliest times to about 1485. London. 1900. 2nd edn. enl. 1915. (Gross.) Hardy, T. D. Descriptive Catalogue of materials relating to the Hist, of Great Britain at«l Ireland to end of reign of Henry VIl. 3 vols. 1862-71. (Rolls.) Hastings, J. and Selbie, J. A. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics. Edinburgh and N. York. 1908, in progress. Herre, P. (Hoftneister, A. and Stube, R.) Quellenkunde zur VCeltgeschichte. Gross, C.



and Hauck, A. Real-Encyklopadie fiir prc*estautische Tlieologie und Kirche. 3rd edn. 24 vols. Leipsic. 1896-1913. (RE^.) Keene, H. G. An Oriental Biographical Dictionary, founded on materials collected by Beale, T. Y. New and revised edn. London. 1894. Lees, B. A. Bibliography of Mediaeval History. (400-1500.) London. 1917. Herzog,

J. J.

(Historical Assoc. Leaflet 44.) Lichtenherger, F. Encyclopedie des Sciences religieuses. 1.3 vols. Paris. 1877-82. Maigne d’Arnis, W. H. (pub. Migne). Lexicon manuale ad scriptores mediae et infimae Latinitatis. Paris. 1866.

Manzoni, L.

Bibliografia statutaria e storica italiana.

2ud edn.



storica municipale etc.





3 vols.


Bibl. d. statuti etc. dei municipii.


1876. Bibl.

[No more publ.]

Grundriss der Geschichtswissenschaft zur Eiufiihrung in das Studium der deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Vol. i (1). Leipsic. 1901). Vol. I (2) and ii (1-8). 1907. 2nd edn. 1912 if., in progress. (Meister.) Molinier, A. Les Sources de I’histoire de France des origiues au.x guerres d’ltalie 1901-6. Paris. 6 vols. (1494). Mouod, G. Bibliographic de I’histoire de France. 5 vols. Paris. 1901-4. Bibliographic de I’hist. de France depuis les origiues jusqu’en 1789. Paris. Meister, A.


Nouvelle Biographic generale, depuis les temps les plus recule's jusqu'a nos jours, avec les renseignements hibliographiques. Sous la direction de J. Ch. F. 1854-66. 46 vols. in 23. (BGe'n.) Hofer. Paris. Oudin, Casimir. Commentarius de scriptoribus ecclesiae antiquae illorumque scriptis tarn impressis quam manuscriptis adhuc extantibus in celebrioribus Europae Bibliothecis a Bellarmino etc. omissis ad annum MCCCCLX. 3 vols. F’rankfurt-a.-M. and Leipsic.


Guide to the study of Medieval History (University of California Syllabus Series, No. 90). Berkeley, California. 1917. Grundriss der germanischen Philologie. 2nd edn. 3 vols. Strasburg. Paul, H. 1896 Paetow,

L. J.


Pauly, A. F. von. Real-Encyklopadie der klassischen Alterthumswissenschaft.* Vienna. 1837-52. Ed. IVissowa, G. Stuttgart. 1894-1903. New edn. (Pauly-VVissowa.) 1904, in progress. Pirenne, H. Bibliographic de I’hist. de Belgique. Brussels •and Ghent. 1893.

2nd edn.


August. Bibliotheca historica medii aevi. Wegweiser durch die Geschichtswerke des europaischen Mittelalters hi§ 1500. Berlin. 2nd edn 2 vols. 1896. Rivista storica italiana. Rome. Turin. Florence. 1884 fF., in progress. [Contains quarterly classified bibliography of books and articles on Italian history.] Thompson, E. M. Introduction to Greek and Latin Palaeography. London. 1912. Vacant, A. Dictionnaire de la Theologie. Paris. 1899 If. ^ Victoria History of the Counties of England. 1900 AT, in progress. London.




Co. Hist.




