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General Bibliography


Grote, H. Stammtafeln mit Anhang calendarium medii aevi. (Vol. ix of M{{{1}}}nz- studien. Leipsic. 1877.

Guasco di Bisio, F. Dizionario feudale degli antichi f?tati sardi e della Lombardia dalr epoca caroliugica ai nostri tempi (774-1909). 6 vols. Biblioteca della Soc. Storica subalpiiia. Vols. 54-58. Pinerolo. 1911.

Institut héraldique de France. Le Nobiliaire universel. 24 vols. Paris. 1854-1900.

Litta, P. (and continuators). F'amiglie celebri italiaue. 11 vols. Milan and Turin. 1819-99. 2nd series. Naples. 1902 if., in progress.

Moreri, L. Le grand dictionnaire historique. Latest edn. 10 vols. Paris. 1759. English version, Collier, J., with App. London. 1721.

Voigtel, T. G. and Cohn, L. A. Stammtafeln zur Gesch. d. europaischen Staaten. Vol. I. Die deutschen Staaten u. d. Niederlande. Brunswick. 1871.

See also L’Art de vérifier les dates (above).


Achery, L. d’. Spicilegium sive collectio veterum aliquot scriptorum. 13 vols. Paris. 1655 (1665)-77. New edn. Barre, L. F. J. de la. 3 vols. Paris. 1723.

Acta Sanctorum Bollandiana. Brussels. 1643-1770. Paris and Rome. 1866, 1887. Brussels. 1894 ff. (ASBoll.)

Altnordische Saga Bibliothek. Ed. Cederschiold, G., Gering, H. and Mogk, E 7 vols. Halle. 1892-3.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Ed. Plummer, C. 2 vols. Oxford. 1892-9. Transl. Gomme, E. E. C. (with notes). London. 1909. Giles, J. A. 2nd edn. London. 1912.

Archivio Storico italiano. Cf. List of Abbreviations. (1). ASI. (Useful Index in Catalogue of The London Library, vol. I, 1913.)

Biblioteca Arabico-Hispaua. Ed. Codera and Ribera. 10 vols. Madrid and Saragossa.1883-95.

Biblioteca della Societa storica subalpina. Pinerolo, etc. 95 vols. 1899 ff., in progress. [Contains charters and monographs.]

Bibliotheca rerum Germanicarum. Ed. Jaffe, P. 6 vols. Berlin. 1864-73. (Bibl. rer. German.)

Birch, W. de G. Cartularium Saxonicum (a.d. 4-30-975). 3 vols. London. 1885-93. Index of personal names, 1899.

Bohmer, J. F. Regesta imperii. 11 vols. (New edn. in several parts by various editors.) Innsbruck. 1877 ff.

Vol. I. Regesten unter den Karolingern. Ed. Miihlbacher, E. 2nd edn. Lechner, J. 1908 ff.

Vol. II. Regesten unter.. .d. sächsischen Hause. Ed. Ottenthal, E. von. 1893 ff., in progress.

Bouquet. See Rerum Gallicarum...scriptores.

Camden Society, Publications of the. London. 1838, in progress. Now publ. by the R. Hist. Soc. (Camden.)

Chartes et diplomes relatifs à I’histoire de France. Publ. AcadIBL. Paris. 1908 ff., in progress.

Collection de chrouiques Belges inédits. Publ. par I’ordre du gouveruement. 44 vols. Brussels. 1858-74.

Collection de documents inedits sur I’histoire de France. Paris. 1835 ff., in progress.

Collection de (illegible text)extes pour servir a l’etude et a l’enseignement de l’histoire. Paris. 1886 ff., in progress. (Coll, textes.)

Corpus scriptoirim christianorum orieutalium. Ed. Chabor, J. B. and others. Paris, Rome and Leipsic. 1903 ff. (CSCO.)

Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum. Vienna. 1866, in progress. (CSEL.)