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General Bibliography


L’EgHse byzantine de 527 a 847. Paris. 1905. (In Bibliotheque de I’enseignement de I’hist. ecclesiastique.) Pertile, A. Storia del diritto italiano dalla caduta dell’ impero Romano alia codifi1892-1#02. Index. cazione. 6 vols. 2nd edn. Del Giudice, P. Turin. Eusebio, L. Turin. 1893. Petit de Julleville, L. Histoire de la langue et de la litterature francaises. 8 vols. Paris. 1896-1900. 1900-21. 3rd edn. in Pirenne, H. Histoire de Belgique. .5 vols. Brussels.

Pargfoire, J.

progress. Pollock, F. and Maitland, F. W. The history of English Law before Edward I. 2 vols. Cambridge. 2nd edn. 1898. 1895. Previte-Ortou, C. W. Outlines of Medieval History. Cambridge. 1916. 2nd edn.


Quentin, H. Les Martyrologes historiques dn Moyen Age. Etude sur la formation du martyrologe romain. Paris. 1908. (Etudes d’hist. des dograes et d’ancienne litterature ecclesiastique.)


L. von. Weltgeschichte. Leipsic. 1881-8. 2nd edn. 1895. 9 vols. Redlich, O. and Erben, MC Urkundenlehre. iv, 1 of Below’s Pt i. 1907.


(see above).

Richter, G. and Kohl, H. Halle a. S. 1873-98.

Romano, G.



deutschen Gesch. im Mittelalter.

Le dominazioui barbariche

d’ Italia.)

in Italia.


3 pts in


(Storia polit.


Handelsgeschichte der romanischen Volker des Mittelmeergebiets bis (Below and Meinecke, Handbuch, see above.) Kreuzziige.

Schaube, A.

zum Ende der Munich and



Schupfer, F. Manuale di storia del diritto italiano. Citta di Castello. 1904. Sismondi, J. C. L. de. Paris. Hist, des republiques italiennes du moyen age. 1809-18 (and later edns.). Milan. Storia letteraria d’ Italia scritta da una Societa di Professori. 1900 ff. Storia politica d’ Italia scritta da una Societa d’ amici. 8 vols. Ed. Villari, P. Milan. 1875-82. (By various writers, cf. sub nom.) Storia politica d’ Italia scritta da una Societa di Professori. Vols. i-viii. Milan, in progress. (By v arious writers, cf. sub nom.) Stubbs, U'm. Oxford. 1874. Coiustitutioual history of England. 3 vols. (Frequently reprinted.) French transl. (with notes and studies). Lefebvre, G. and Petit Dutaillis, Ch. Paris. 1907. English transl. of notes etc. Studies

and Notes supplementary to Stubbs’ Constitutional History.






Waugh, W.






Storia della letteratura italiana. 2nd edn. Modena. 1787-94. Vinogradoff, P. Roman Law in .Mediaeval Europe. London and New York. 1909. [Excellent bibliographies.] Histoir^ du droit civil fran9ais. 3rd edn. Viollet, P. Paris. 1!X)S. Histoire des institutions politiques et administratives de la France. 3 vols. Paris. 1890-1903. 1863-78. 2nd and Waitz, G. Deutsche Verfastungsge-schichte. 8 vols. Kiel. 3rd edns. Berlin. ^1880-96. Weltgeschichte in gemeinverstandlicher Darstellung. Ed. Hartmann, L. M. Vol. iv. Das Mittelalter bis zum Ausgang der Kreuzzuge. Hellmann, S. Gotha. 1920. Werminghoff, A. Geschichte der Kirchenverfassung Deutschlands. i. Hanover land Leipsic. 1905. Paris. 1872-91. [No more pub.] Hist.* d’Allemagne. Vols. 1-9. Zeller, J.

'Firaboschi, G.
