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Chronological Table 845-882 Hincmar, archbishop of Rheims. 847 Pope Leo IV walls the Leonine City. e. 850 Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals.

^urik, the Scandinavian, of Russia. 851 'Phe Danes first winter in Thanet. 855 Death of the Emperor Lothar I and division of his lands. 855-869 Reign of Lothar II in Lorraine. 858855-875 Reign of the Emperor Louis II in Italy. 859856 Death of Rahan Maur. ^ 857 Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople. 867 Pope Nicholas 1. 862 Second expedition of the Norsemen to Spain and the Mediterranean. 864 St Cyril and St Methodius among the Moravians. 867 Schism of East and W'est in the affair of Photius. 868 Death of Ratramn. 869 Death of Lothar II (8 Aug.). 871- Charles the Bald crowned king of Lorraine (6 Oct.). 872- Martyrdom of St Edmund. Harold Fairhair founds the kingdom of Norway. c. 870 870 Submission of East Anglia to the Northmen. Partition of Lorraine at Meerseu (8 Aug.). 871 Battle of Ashdown. 899 Reign of Alfred the Great. 882 Pope John VIII. 874 The Norse begin to settle in Iceland. 875 Death of the Emperor Louis II (12 Aug.). Imperial Coronation of Charles the Bald (25 Dec.). 876 Death of Louis the German (28 Aug.). Colonisation of Northumbria by the Danes. 877 Settlement of the Five Boroughs. Assembly of Quierzy (14 June). Death of Charles the Bald (6 Oct.). 878 Battle of Edington. Peace between Alfred and Guthrum at Chippenham (the so-called Treaty of ITedmore). 879-887 Boso, king of Provence. 887888880 Treaty of Ribemont (all Lorraine ceded to Germany), » Death of John Scottus (Erigena), c. 880 881-887 Charles the Fat as Emperor. , 882 Death of Hiucmar, archbishop of Rheims (21 Dec.). Murder of Pope John VIII. Triumph of Roman nobles. 884 L^nion of the Frankish kingdoms under the Smperor Charles the Fat.

885 Recapture of London by Alfred, and Alfred and Guthrum’s Peace. 885-887 The Northmen besiege Paris. ^ 887 Final disruption of the Empire of Charles the Great.

• 899 Arnulf, king of Germany.

• 898 Odo, king of France. ^ 888-911 or 912 Rodolph I, king of Jurane Burgundy. • The Saracens seize Fraxinetuni. c. 890 • ^ 891 King Arnulf defeats the Northmen near Louvain* • 895 The Magyars settle in Hungaryj • 896 Arnulf crowned Ijmpef'or.


