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Chronological Table 1024-1039 Reigrn of Conrad II the Salic. 1027 Conrad II crowned Emperor at Rome. 1030 Ranulf becomes count of Aversa. 1031

Abolition of the Caliphate in Spain.


1031-1060 Reign of Henry I of France. 10331032 Death of Rodolph III of Burgundy. 1034Ferdinand I, first king of Castile. 1035- 1034 Acquisition of Burgundy by Conrad II. 1058 Reign of,Casimir I of Poland. 1035 Foundation of the State of Aragon by Ramiro I Sanchez. 1076 Raymond-Berengar I of Barcelona. 1037 Conrad’s Constitutio dc fetidis for Italy. 1037-1055 Bfatislav I, duke of Bohemia. 1038 (.^) Conrad II declares Roman Law the territorial law of Rome. 1038 Death of St Stephen of Hungary. 1039 Death of Conrad II (4 June), and accession of Henry III as king of Germany, Italy, and Burgundy. Beginning of the Truce of God. 1042 Accession of Edward the Confessor. 1042-1048 H'azo, bishop of Liege. 1043 The '^Day of Indulgence.” IFilliani de Hauteville, count of Apulia. 1046 Henry Ill’s coronation as Emperor; he reforms the Papacy. Synod of Sutri.

1046-1047 Pope Clement II (Suidger of Bamberg). 1049 Death of Odilo, abbot of Cluny. 1049-1054 Pope Leo IX (Bruno of Toul). 1053 Battle of Civitate. Death of Earl Godwin. 1054 Battle of Dunsinane. Schism of East and VFest. 1055-1057 Pope 'ictor 11. 1056 Death of Henry HI and succession of Henry IV. 1060-1108 Reign of Philip I of France. 1066 Death of Edward the Confessor. 1079 First Norse king of the Isle of Wan.


For names there has been adopted the scheme given in the Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. viii; for Oriental names that used in the publicatityis of the Royal Asiatic Society. the transliteration of Slavonic