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Chartres, Eollo at, 73, 86 ; seized by Theobald the Trickster, 95 ; Odo II and, 123 stained glass at, 566 ; bishops of, 116 see Fulbert, Ivo; counts of, see Odo,

Theobald Chateaudun, seized by Theobald the Trickster,


Clonard, monastic school at, 501, 509 Clonfert, monastic school at, 501







AuJSr at, 317, 331 Clontarf, battle of 41014), 3S4, 326


Clovesho, synod of, 343 Cluniae Movement, 236 250; 253; 456 sq.; opposed by Conrad n, 254, 271; favoured by Henry III, 277, 279, 282, 306; and by Agnes of Poitou, 284; in England, 373 sqq.,

Chateau Thierry, Charles the Simple imprisoned at, 75

76 sq. Chaumont, claimed by William the Conqueror, 112 lords of, see Mugh, Sulpi;




at (993), 102, 455; (1008),

132 Chemille, house


in Anjou, 118

Chertsey, Abbey of, 374 Cheshire, 404 Chester, 343 ; 359 ; 365 379 Scandinavian influence at, 334; fortified, 362

Chevremont, siege of (939), 190 Chevreuse, Louis VI at, 114 Chichester, 357 monastery of, 379 ChUtems, 361, 385; Danes in, 359; frithgild in, 367 village-lords in, 401 Chindaswiuth, King of the Visigoths, 492 Chippenham Alfred defeated at, 355 treaty of, 356 Chirbury, 363 Chlotar I, King of the Franks, 495 Chocilaious (Hygelae), King of the Getae, 309 Choisy-au-Bac, Northmen at, 85 Christchurch (Hants.), 361 Christ Church (Oxford), 562 Christianity, introduced among Wends, 192, 238 decline among Wends under Otto II, progress of, among Slavs, 208, 226 304 sqq. spread of, in Scandinavia, 6 sq., 313 sqq., 329 Christianus Druthmarus of Stavelot, 532 Chrodegang, Saint, 4 Chrmicon Burgense, cited, 426 Chrmographia Tripartita, 528 Church, the. Chap. xvn. and Louis 1, 4 sq.; and Louis the German, 36 sq. States of, 48; conflict with the state, 290; mortmain, 464; Eoman-Greek eontrofersy, 533. See (Rome, Papacy, the respective states, and Cluniae Movement Cicero, 343, 491 sq., 521 sqq., 526, 536 Cilternsaete, 363

Cinna, 491 Cirencester, Danes at, 356 Cividale, 47 Civitate, Leo IX defeated at, 298 ' Clarendon, forest, 398 Claudius (?Claudian), 5g8

  • Claudius,

Bishop of Tarin, iconoclast 533 Clavering, 394 note, 406 Clement II, PSpe (Suidger), 291, 293; Bishop of Bamberg, 277 sq. « ClenAut of Aldxan(^ia, 487 Clement tb^rishrnan, 519 Clermont^hurch at, t561 565 • - ClermUnt, Council of (1095), 113





387 sq. Cluny, Abbey


and the

303, 456, 567;

“Truce of God,” 282; abbots Hugh, Maiolus, Odilo, Odo Clwyd, vale of, subject to Kings Wales, 342




Amiatiniis, 486, 514, 554 Arcerianus, 536 Augiensis, 526

Laudianus, 512 Salmasianns, 488 Sangallensis (A), 526 sq.


St, life of, 505 Coenwulf, King of Mercia, 340 sq. relations with Wales, 341 sqq.; with Kent and Canterbury, 343 Coimbra, 410, 425 Coinage, by Archbishop of Canterbury, 343 under Aethelstan, 367 Colchester, burh at, 356, 364 Colmar, Louis I at, 18 Cologne, 45; 275 sq.; 279; 295 413; burnt by Danes, 59 Otto II at, 207 library of, 521 Church of St Mary in the Capitol at, 562 see of, 287 archbishops of, 209 239, see Anno, Bruno, Gunther, Heri;


Herman, Hildebold, Pilgrim, Wik-

fried,Willibert Colombera, 412 note



499, 502, 506;

Life of, see

Adamnan Columban,

St, 486 note, 503 521 poem by, 506 Cominianus, grammarian, 516 Como, diocese overrun by Ardoin, 244 sq.;


of, see


Compiegne, assemblies at

(816), 6; (823), (857), ib., 8, 18; (935), 81; (987), sq.; Louis I at, 14 sq., 18; 19; 30 note;



Odo crowned at, 71 plundered by Otto H, Northmen at, 85; 89

80, 208;

Conan, Count of Eennes, 127

Conan H, Duke of Brittany, 128 Conde, Northmen encamp at, 59 Conflent, county of, 90 Connaught, raided by Turgeis, 317 Connemara, Vikings in, 347 Conquereuil, battle of, 126 Conrad I, King of Germany, Duke of Franconia, reign of, 69 sq., 74, 135; 179; 191 Conrad II, of Franconia, Emperor, early years, 2^9, 253 elected King of Germany, 254 sq»; opponent of Cluniae views, 254;

4t> '

Coblence, 26, 35; treaty of (860), 37, 41 Codex Alexandriiius, 549

Codex Codex Codex Codex Codex Codex
