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Gregory IT, Pope, and the Emperor, 6

and* Gunzo

Lothar, 17 sq.; fortifies the Tiber, 49; on the lay power, 448 sq. Gregory V, Pope (Bruno of Carinthia), acces^sion of, 17^ 214; Otto IH and, 174; Ardoin and, Basle, > 103 fcouneil of ^20; death of, 173 Gregory VI, Pope, 291, 294, 454 Gregory VII, Pope, 291 Gregory Asbestas, Archbishop of Syracuse, 451 Gregory, candidate for Papacy (1012), 241 Gregory, Count of Tusculum, xvii, 454 Gregory Trachaniotis, eatapan, 177 Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks of, 495 sq.


Grimaldus of St GaU, 522, 535 Grimbald, 358 Grimoald, Prince of Benevento, 8 Groix, Scandinavian influence at, 332 Grona, Synod at, 256 Gruffydd (Griffith) ap Llywelyn, Prince of North Wales, 396; marries Ealdgjdh of Mercia, 397; attacks Wessex, 396 sq.; death of, 397 Guadacelete, battle of, 417 Guadalajara, 410 Guadalete, battle of, 409 Guadalquivir, river, 411 sq., 416 Guadiana, river, 420 Guaimar II, Prince of Salerno, 151 sq. Guaimar III, Prince of Salerno, 268 Guaimar IV, Prince of Salerno, 268, 292 Gualdrada, wife of Pietro Candiano IV, 170 GuiSfrifS of Northumbria, 332 GuSfri'Sr (Goffraidh), 318 GufSormr (Alfred’s foe). See Guthrum GuSormr (Godurm), 315 GuSroSr the Tngling (Godefridus, Gotricus), King of Denmark, 312 sq., 315; 326 GuSroSr, King of the Western Isles, 326 GuSroSr (Godefrid), Viking leader, granted Frisia, 59, 315; slain, 60, 321 Guerbigny, Northmen at, 72, 85 Guenir, St, 347 note Guido, Marquess of Tuscany, 153 sq. Guido, son of Berengar II, 161 Guido, Archbishop of Milan, 291 Guido, Bishop of Piacenza, 292 Guildford, 360, 389 Guines, Count of, 460 Gundrada, granddaughter of Charles Martel, 2 Gundulf, Bishop of Bochester, 470 Gunnhild, sister of Svein, 381 sq. Gunnhild of Sweden, 297 Gunnhild (Kunigunda), daughter of Knut, marries King Henry son of Conrad II, 263, 274, 294; death of, 269, 274 Gunthamund, Vandal king, 492 Gunther, Archbishop of Cologne, 526 ; and Theutberga, 39 ; deposed, 42, 45, 449 sq. Gunther, hermit of Bohmer Wald, 277 Gunzelin, made Margrave of Meissen, 222 • 223 • ,

of Novara, 535

(^thrum (GuSormr) King, wars with Alfred, ,


settles in East An; 356 sq.; death of, 361 Guthrum, King of East Anglia, 361, 364 glia,


3-35 sq.,

319, 322



(Guido), Emperor, Duke of Spoleto, King of Italy, 63 sqq.; Emperor, 65 death



of, 66;


1.55 sq.

Guy, Duke of Spoleto, 48 Guy, Count of the March of Brittany, 47 Guy, Count of Camerino, 48 Guy, lord o? Vernon and Brienne, 109 Guy, Count

of Ponthieu, 398 ^ Duke of Aquitaine.


See Wil-

liam VIII

Gwent, Welsh tribal unit, 341, 360 Gwynedd. See Wales, North Gyrth, Earl of East Anglia, 397 Gytha, wife of Earl Godwin, 389

Hacket, allodial estates of, 460 Hademar, Abbot of Fulda, 202 Hadoardus, 523 Hadrian, Emperor, 503 Hadrian the Abbot, 488, 502, 510 sqq., 514 Hadrian II, Pope, 43, 4(5, 453 Hadrian III, Pope, 60 Hafrsfjord, battle at (872), 318, 325, 339 Hagano, favourite of Charles the Simple, 74 Hagano, Bishop of Bergamo, 450 Hainault, given to Godfrey, 207 counts of, see Eeginar Hakam I, Emir of Spain, 8, 414 sq. Hakam H, Caliph of Cordova, reign of, 423 sq. patron of learning, 425, 433, 435 • 437 Hakon the Bad, Earl (Jarl) of Norway, 324, 326, 380 aids Harold Bluetooth, 205 Hakon, Earl of Worcestershire, 387, 392 Halbdenus. See Halfdanr Halberstadt, bishops of, 202, 209, 232 Halfdanr (Irish, Albdann; O.E., Halfdene), King of Northumbria, attacks Northumbria, 319, 350, 357 enters Mercia, 351 enters Wessex, 352 361 at London, 353 ravages Bemicia, 353 sq. King of Denmark, 321 • death of, 318 sq. o Halfdene. See Halfdanr Halicarnassus, mausoleum of, 552 ’ Halinard of Dijon, 279; Archbishop of Lyons, 294 ^ Halitgar, Bishop of Cambrai, 6 Hamburg; see of founded, 7, 314; destroyed by Danes, 31, 314; burnt by Obotrites, 208; fmtifioations at, 305; 232; .Archbishopnf Bremen at, 290, 297; archbishops oL see Adalber|, Albrand, Anskar, Lie;





I, lord of

Lapgejiis, 118

Hampshire, plundered by Danes, 381 HarSacmiitr. See Harthacnut Hardesyssel, 311 note

Hardouin, Bishop of Langres, 124 Iferleian

MSS., 526’
