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M against Otto I, 189 sqq. marriage of, 191, 204; defeats the Hungarians, 195, 198; the Bavarian revolt, 197, 199; death of, 160 ; 205 note Hmry [II] the^'rangler, Duke of Bavaria, »8; revolts against C*to 11, 204 sq.; deprived of his Duchy, 206; attempts to supplant Otto HI, 80, 209 sqq. submits, 210; joins Otto III before Brandenburg,


211; death


of, 212,


Luxemburg, Duke of Bavaria, 238, 248; and the Lyutitzi, 227; death of, 270 Henry of Luxemburg, Duke of Bavaria, 279, of

289, 292 sq., 307; death of, 293

Henry (Odo), Duke of Burgundy, 75)iofe, 106 • Henry the Younger, Duke of Carinthia, 205 and note, 206 Duke of Bavaria, 209 opposes Henry the Wrangler, 210; cedes

Bavaria to him, 210

death of, 212 Saxony, 465 Henry, Archbishop of Treves, 293 Henry, Bishop of Augsburg, 206 Henry, Bishop of Wurzburg, 237 sq., 246 Henry of Sehweinfurt, Margrave of Nordgau, claims Bavaria, 222 revolts, 223 sq. Henry, Count of Alemannia, 60 sq. Henry, Count Palatine in Lower Lorraine, 287 chosen successor to Henry lU, 289 Henry, Count (or Duke) of Thuringia, 59 Henry, son of Otto I, 196 Henry, son of Stephen of Hungary, denied sq.

Henry the Lion, Duke



of Bavaria, 261 son of Otto Duke of Carinthia,


Henry, 253 Herbauges, Count of. See Reginald Herbert the Young, Count of Troyes, 83 Herbert the Old, Count of Troyes, 95, 97 Herbert H, Count of Vermandois, 76 sq., 96; 189; and Charles the Simple, 75 sq.; and the Vikings, 87 sq. death of, 78, 83 Herbert Wake-dog, Count of Maine, 125 sq.

Hereford, Earls at,


See Eglaf Ealf ; cathedral ,


Herefordshire, invaded,362,385, 387,395 sqq. Herethaland. See Hdrthaland Heribert, Archbishop of Cologne, chancellor, 213, 246; and Henry II, 218, 233; death of, 250 Heriger, Archbishop of Mayence, 179 Herioldus. See Harold Hyldetan Herman Billung, Duke of Saxony, 187 ; subdues the Wends, 192, 202 ; 197 death of, 203 Herman I, Duke of Swabia, 143 note, 157; 187 marriage of, 181 death of, 191 Herman II, Duke of Swabia, claims crown of Germany, 216 sq.; sacks Strasbourg, 217 sq. submits to Henry II, 218 Herman IH, Duke of Swabia, 239, 249 Herman IV, Duke of Swabia, marriage of, 265, 299; death of, 269 sq., 274 Herman, Archbishop of Cologne, 278 289 293; and Henry III, 276, 287, 308; and Adalbert of Bremen, 290 death of, 299 Hennan, Bishop of Strasbourg, 293 Herman, Count Palatine in Lorrjfine, 245 '


Herman, Count


Mons, 292, 295

H^man of Eeichenau, 276; cited, 254 noteS, 272, 274, 279 sq., 295, 300

Herman, son of Godfrey Hermandad, 416


Verdun, 210

Hermeneuniata Pseudo-Dositheana, 503 Herold, Archbishop of Salzburg, 199 Herred, allodial estates of, 460 Hersfeld, fortification of, 182 abbey of, 236, 293; abbot of, see Godehard Herstall. Louis the Pious at, 2, 6 Hertford, bufh at, 363 Hertfordshire, 392, 397, 403; hitndreds of, 367 ; Scandinavian influence in, 337 Herve, Archbishop of Eheims, 74, 87 Hery, village of, 104 Hexham, church at, 560 Hieronymus presbyter, 500 Higbert, Archbishop of Mercia, deprived, 343 Hildebert, Archbishop of Mayence, 187 Hildebold, Archbishop of Cologne, 3 Hildefonsus of Toledo, 489 Hildegarde, Countess of Anjou, 126 Hiidesheim, Everard imprisoned at, 188; Henry II educated at, 218; bronzes at, 559; church at, 567; see of, 232, 235, 2-55 sq.; bishops of, see Bemward, Ebbo,

Godehard Hildibald of

Woims, Chancellor



many, 213 Hilduin, 45 Hilduin, Abbot of St Denis, 524, 526 ished, 15 sq.; joins Lothar, 24


of Eheims, 30, 32 526; prevents a council, 37 Lothar H’s mai-riage, 39, 41, 43; 46; 53sqq. Gottschalk, 529, 533; views on 'monarchy, 446 sqq. the papacy, 452 sq. 455 deqth of, 59 annals of, 45 Hinksey, 402 note Hinxton Down. Vikings defeated at, 347 Hiruath. See Horthaland Hisham, Caliph of Damascus, 411 sq. Hisham I, Emir of Spain, 414 Hisham II, Caliph of Cordova, 424 sqq. disappearance of, 427 Hisham IH, al-Mu'tadd, Caliph of Cordova, 427 Hisham. son of Sulaiman al-Musta'In, Hisfierica Famina. 508 sq., 529 Historia Gampostellana, cited, 426 Historia Tripartita, "28. See Cassiodorus Hochst, synod at, 252 Hoel, Count of Comouailles, becomes Duke of Brittany, 128 Hoger, mujjeian, 535 HohenAltlieim, assembly of (916), 69sq.,194 Holla<id (in England), submits to Edward the Elder, 364 Holland, counts of. Sel Dqetrich, Florence Holme (Beds.), battle of, 361 Holme (l^orf.), monastery of_St Benet, 388, 406 . Holstein, Danes in, 185 Hoiher. See Angilberf

Hincmar, Archbishop



