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Ibn Marwan, Prince of Merida and Badaioz, 417 Ibn Marwan, 421 Ibn Masarra, 419, 431 Ibn Mastana, 418 Ibn^u'awiya. See ‘Abd-*r-Bahinan I Ibn Mujahid, 431 Ibn Shammas, 414 Ibn Yabya. See Yahya ibn Yabya Ibrahim, Aghlabid Emir of Africa, 150, 419 Ibrahim ibn Hajjaj, 419 sq., 433 Iceland, settlement of, 338 sq. 535 Iconoclastic controversy, 528, 532 sq. ; influence of, upon art, 546 jida, wife of Liudolf of Swabia, 191 Idatius, chronicler, 492 Idrisids, 424 Idwal, Prince of Gwynedd, 364 Iliiey, church at, 561 Iforen, Berber tribe, 422 Ifrikiya (Tunis), 422, 424

Ignatius, Patriarch of Constantinople, 450,


Etymologiae of, 490 sqq. ; 520 other ^rks of, 492 Ismorus Mercator. See Pseudo-Isidore Isidorus of Miletus, 545 Isidorus Pacensis, chronicler, 493 Ismaelites, 419 Issoire, church at, 561 Istria, March of, ceded to Germany, 159 Italy, kingship of Bernard, 3 Lothar made King of, 5, 15, 20, 26; Louis I and, 3, 7, 11; under Louis II, 34, 47-50; Charles the Bald bdfcomes King of, 51 dispute for the crown of, 63 sqq. becomes an independent kingdom, 67 invadeef by Hungarians, 88; under Eodolph II, 136, 153; under Louis HI, 138, 149; under King Hugh, 139, 153—57 the Byzantine Empire and, 150 sq., 155, 166 sqq., 176; illthe 10th century, ch. vii Vikings in, 320 Empress Adelaide regent in, 209 Otto III visits, 212; chancery of, 213 sq.; reign of Ardoin, 220 sqq., 240; Henry U and, 239 sqq., 243. 246; 2-50 sq. 218, 224 268; Conrad II and, 256 sq. 264, 268; 265 sqq. hereditary succession in, 266sq.; baronies in, 464 Henry Ill’s first visit to, 266sq., 277; second, 290 sqq.; 306; last, 298 sq.; Art in, 547 sq., 552 learning and letters in, 485 sqq., 528; kings of, see Adalbert, Ardoin, Berengar, Bernard, Carloman, Charlemagne, Charles, Conrad, Guy, Henry, Hugh, Lambert, Lothar, Louis, Otto, Eodolph; see also Lombardy Itzehoe(Esesfeld), Frankish fort at (809), 312 Ivarr (It. Imhar, O.E. Ingwar), son of Eagnarr Hb'Sbrok, in Northumbria, 350; at Thetford, 319, 351; in Scotlcnd, 351 sq. death of, 318, 3-52 (cf. 318, 32-5) Ivarr (Ir. Imhar, O.E. Ingwar), brother of Olaf the White, in Ireland. 317 sq. Scotland, 325 (cf. 351 sq.) ; death of, 318, 352 Ivo, Bishop of Chartres, 113, 131 sqq. Ivois, meeting of Eobert the Pious and the Emperor Henry II at, 106, 251 meeting of Henry I and Henry III at, 280 (1056) 299 Ivrea, 66; besieged, 135 bishop of, see Warmund; March of, 65, 157, 167; undsr see Ardoin, 220, 244; marquesses Adalbert, Anscar, Ardoin, Berengar, Conrad

mtyd. See


Illuminated MSS., mosaics based upon, 549 sq. English and Irish crosses and, 544 sqq.; architectural decoration and, 565 sq. Etut, St, school of, 509


See Ivarr Inden, monastery



India, trade with, 433



of, 281 sqq., 284, 307 Wessex, founder of Abingdon, 374 laws of, 358, 404 Ingelheim, Louis I at, 16, 22; council at (948), 79, 194; Henry I of Bavaria im-





Otto I at, 196 Henry II of Bavaria imprisoned at, 205; Synod’ at, 211; Ernest of Swabia banned at, 2-58; Henry III married at, 275, 284 Henry HI at,


receives Aribert of Milan at, 277 Ingo, Bishop of Vercelli, 175 note


See Ivarr

Ifiigo Arista,



Inn, river, Hungarians defeated on, 69 Instantius, heretic, 512 Investiture, 459; of Church fiefs, 463 sq. Iona (Hy), Vikings in, 311, 330, 346; 504

Ipswich, hiirh at, 356, 381 Ireland, Vikings in, 346 sq., 310 sqq.,317sq., 324, 330, 346 sq.; Harold and Leofwdn in, 394; Aelfgar in, 396; Scandinavian influence in, 343; Gallic influence in, 498sqq., -501; learning and literature in, 501sqq., 524 sqq. ,538; literary coimexion with Spain, .524 art in, 556 kings of, nee

Aedh. Brian Irenaeus, St, 533

Irmingard, wife of Otto of Hammerstein, 251 sq. Isaac of Tabanos, 406

Ishak of Mosul, 415 Isidore, St, 343, 438, 489, 497,

499 jq.,



Jacobus de Voragine, 496 Jad, governor of Elvira, 418 Jaen, 411, -USsqq., 433; mines at, 432 Jahna, capnire of, by Henry I, 184 James.^St, apocrvpbj,! Gospel of, 532 James the Less, GospA of, 506 Jaromir of Bohemia, 222 so.; made Duke of

Bohemia, 225; aids llenry II against Boleslav, 227 sq.; driven from Bohemia, “« 239 ; restored ,262 , ^ Jarrow, destroyed by Vikings, 311, 341, 347 Jar^e, house of, in An'jou, 118

