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of, 189 Scheldt, river, 26, 34, 92, 228; Danes sSiWe on, 59 sq., 320; 322 Schleswig, Danish fleet at, 312; March of, Christianity in, 314 founded, 185 ;

bishopric founded at, 192 ; ceded to Denmark, 263, 274 Otto II and, 205 Scholasticus, office in Eheims cathedral, 80, 210, 535 Schweinfurt, branch of Babenberg family. See Bucco, Otto, Henry Schweinfurt (Zuinprod), converS of, 300 Scotland, Vpiigs in, 318 ; 325 ; 346 sq. extended to the Tweed, 3-50; 388; homage question with England, 365, 388 ; southern influence in, 395 sq. ; Scandinavian inConstanfluence in, 334 sq.; kings of, ^oe, David, Duncan, Kenneth, Malcolm Scriptores &romatici, 536 Scythian, bogus alphabet, 500 Seacourt, i02note Sechnall, St, hymn by, 502 Sedulius Scottus, poet, 502 sqq. 516, 524 sqq. Seez, ceded to Northmen, 87, 94, 322 Segoyuela, 409 Segre, river, 8 Seguin, Duke of Gascony, 8 Seine, river, 7, 16,21, 24 sq.; Northmen in, 31 sq., 35, 40, 52, 59 sqq., 73, 85 sqq., 316, 319 sq., 322; 78, 315 Seisyll of Ceredigion, 342 Seligenstadt, synod at, 252; peace refused

Scheidungen, fortress





Semur, subject see Dalmatius

278 Burgundy, 97 ; lord



Seneca, 489; epistles of St Paul to, 516 Senlis, assembly at, 83; 100, 104; seized by Queen Constance, 107; besieged (946), 193 Sennecey, church of, 124 Sens, 36; besieged by Danes, 62; 77; attacked by Hungarians, 88; Burgundy and, 93 sq.; taken by Eobert the Pious, 106, 111; besieged (1032), 107, 144; reunited to royal domain. 111; window at, 559; archbishops of, see Ansegis, Egilo, Ganelon,


• Severn, 362 sq., 387, 394, 396, 400; ^sdley invaded, 359 sq. Severus, .^chbishop of Prague, 301 Severus, Sulpicius, biographer of St Martin,

495 Seville, 412,

Sepdlveda, 440 Serbs, the, 47 ^ Serenus, Q., Sammonicus, 522 Serfdom, 221, 249, 251, 401, 469, 477 sqq. Sergiopolis, church at, 543

• Sergius II, Pope, 29 • Sergius III, Pope, 151, 362, 455 • Sergius IV, Pope, 241 Sergius, Duke of Naples, >49 Sergius IV,*Duke of Naples, 268 Servatus Lupus, ABbot of Ferri^res, 517 sq., • 522 Se)jvius,€n the/leneid, 491 SeM, Archbishop of Eheims, 74 sq. • Seven Sle^rs, legend sf, 496



. sq§).


428, 432


Vikings, 316, 328, 416 Sextus Placidus, medical writer, 535 Shaftesbury, 388

Shakya, Berber leader, 413 Shi'ites, Muslim sects, 419 Sheppey, raided by Vikings, 312, 347, 349

Danes in, 385 Sherborne, diocese of, 362 Cornwall incorporated in, 344; bishops of, see Aldhelm,

Asser, Ealhstan

Sherston, 385 Shetlands, the, Irish missionaries Viking settlements in, 324 sqq.

310 Scandi-


navian influence in, 334 Shropshire, Aethelred in, 382 Danes in, 384 Sieard, Prince of Benevento, 48 Sicily, Saracens in, 48, 149-166, 177 sq. Sico, Count, imperial missus, 168 Sico, Prince of Benevento, 8 Sieonolf, Prince of Salerno, 48 sq. Sidonia, ravaged by Vikings, 316 Sidonius Apollinaris, poet, 495 Sidroc, the Viking, 35

Siegfried, Saxon Count, 187 Siegfried, Saxon Margrave, 212 Siegfried, Abbot of Gorze, 283 Siete Torres, 418 Sigeferth, Sigefrid (SigrolSr), Viking leader,


59, 61,

321 Sigefridus (SigurtSr), King of Denmark, 312 Sigefridus, “nepos” to Godefridus, King of

Denmark, 313 Sigefridus. See SigurfSr Snake-Eye Sigeric, Archbishop of Canterbury, 381 Sighelm, alderman of West Kent, 361 Si^ryggr. of the Silken Beard, King of Dublin, plots against Brian, 324

Sigtuna, church founded






Snake-Eye mark, 321


• Seprio, county of, 244 Sepfenania, secured to Charles, 24; count of, ^-ilernard ; see also Gothia



King of Den-

SigurSr, Earl of Orkney, 324, 326 SigurSr LotSvesson, Earl of Orkney, 326 death of, 324, 326 Sigwulf, alderman of East Kent, 361 Sihtric, King of York, 366 Silesia, transferred from Bratislav to Casimir, 297 sq., 301 sqq. Simancas, 420, 422 sq. Simon Magus, 505 Simon of Crepy, Count of Valois and Vexin, 111 Sinai, St Catherine’s monastery at, 547 Sinope, Purple MS. at, 550 Sion, diocese of, 38, 63 given to Conrad of Auxerre, 134; see also Valais, the Sisebut, Eng of the Visigoths, 492 Sithin (Saint-Bertin), 14