Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/18

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By E. Armstrong, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Queen's College, Oxford.

PAGE Contrast of Savonarola and San Bernardino. Controversy still alive . 144 Early youth. Ferrara. Florence. Conviction of sin . . . . 145 Argumentative cast of mind. Untrustworthy legends inspired by party feeling 146 Independence of the Friar. Relations to Lorenzo de' Medici . . 147 The change under Piero. Rise of opposition. The Friar leaves Florence and returns ........... 148 Separation of San Marco; illwill of Tuscan convents. Eloquence of Savonarola . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Moral superiority of Florence. Simplicity and sobriety of life . . 150 Style of the Friar's preaching 151 Simplicity of life advocated. Invectives against abuses in the Church. Prophecies of doom. Political bearing 152 Hatred of Naples. French invasion, 1494. Flight of Piero ... 153 Medici palaces sacked. Concessions to people. Savonarola an envoy to Charles 154 Savonarola warns Charles to leave the city. Reform of Constitution . 155 Officials punished. Soderini and Venetian institutions. Preaching of Savonarola 156 He enters political life. Rival schemes for a constitution. Grand Council. Senate 157 The executive unchanged. Venetian parallels. "People and Liberty" . 158 Differences from Venetian model. Lack of independent judicature . . 159 Opposition of nobility. Lower classes ignored . . . . 160 Savonarola's share in framing constitution. Appeal to Council. Savonarola supports the proposal . . . 161 The Parlamento abolished. The executive weakened .... 162 Savonarola on the duties of electors ; his financial proposals . . . 163 The Land-tax unpopular and proved insufficient . . . . . 164 Reform of Law Courts. Moral ideals supreme 165 Laws against gambling, &c. Monti di pieta. Gospel of labour . . 166 Regulation of holidays. Burning of the Vanities ..... 167 The moral reforms unpopular ... ...... 168 Later reaction. Growth of parties. Piagnoni, Bigi, Arrabbiati. Francesco Valori 169 France or Italy? Military weakness. Pisa, Sarzana, Pietra Santa, lost to Florence . 170 Milan and Venice protect Pisa. Savonarola stakes all on its recovery . 171 Maximilian in Italy. Livoruo saved, 1496. Death of Capponi. Savonarola's fame at its height 172 Valori Gonfaloniere, 1497 then Bernardo del Nero. Reaction against Piagnone policy 173 Piero attempts to return. Arrabbiati in power. Riots. Proposal to dismiss the Friar 174 Excommunication of Savonarola, June, 1497. Medicean plot. Arrest of prominent citizens. Appeal demanded 175