Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/28

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xxiv Contents. CHAPTER XIV. THE EARLY TUDORS. By JAMES GAIRDNER, C.B., LL.D. PAGB Results and end of the Wars of the Roses . " 1 ' . . . . 463 Warwick. Accession of Henry VII, 1485 464 Star Chamber. Conspiracies. Lovel and the Staffords, 1486. Lambert Simnel, 1487 4f55 Defeat of Lambert and his supporters. Britanny and France, 1488-9. Intrigues of Spain 466 Treaty with France, 1492. Maximilian, Philip, Margaret of Burgundy, and the Netherlands 467 Perkin Warbeck, 1491. Commercial reprisals against Flanders . . 468 Perkin in Ireland, in Scotland. James IV of Scotland. Invades England, 1496. Rising in Cornwall, 1497 . . ".."... . '.. ' *. . . 469 Perkin at Cork, in Cornwall, 1497. Captured . . . . ( V . . 470 Warfare on the Scottish border. Ireland. Kildare 471 Poynings and his Acts. Kildare reinstated, 1496 472 The end of Warbeck, 1499. Commercial treaties with the Netherlands, 1496-9 473 Spanish marriage, 1502. Flight of the Duke of Suffolk .... 474 His relations to foreign princes and towns 475 Philip and Juana in England, 1506. Marriage and commercial treaties . 476 Henry sues for the hand of Margaret of Savoy. Death of Henry VII, 1509 477 Accession of flenry VIII. Empson and Dudley beheaded . . . 478 Expeditions to Cadiz and Gelders. Andrew Barton. Henry joins the Holy League, 1511 479 Expedition to Gascony, 1512. Raid on Britanny. Action off Brest . 480 Invasion of France, 1513. Battle of the Spurs 481 Project to marry Mary to Charles of Castile. Invasion of Scots. Battle of Flodden, 1513 . ' 482 Attitude of European powers. Rise of Wolsey 483 Alliance of French and English Kings. Marriage of Mary to Louis XII. Death of Louis XII, 1515 484 The Duke of Albany and Margaret of Scotland. Wolsey a Cardinal . 485 Victory of Francis I at Marignano. Henry hires Swiss troops against Francis. Death of Ferdinand of Aragon 486 Maximilian negotiates with Henry. Europe courts English friendship . 487 Margaret of Scotland at Greenwich, 1517. Riots against foreigners in London 488 Intrigues at Rome in favour of Wolsey. Treaty with France, 1518 . 489 Charles joins. Charles elected emperor, 1519 . . . . . . 490 Consolidation of monarchies in Europe. More's Utopia. New views of politics. Learning in England 491 Condition of England. English manners ...... 492