Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/30

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xxvi Contents. PAGE Change of trade routes. Failure of towns depending only on commerce 529 Success dependent upon power of adaptation. Agriculture fails to attract the capitalist .... .630 Distribution of the new treasure. Effects of capitalistic effort . . . 631 CHAPTER XVI. THE CLASSICAL RENAISSANCE. By Sir RICHARD C. JEBB, M.P., Regius Professor of Greek. Revival of Learning. Scholastic Philosophy. Humanism . . . 532 Learning from the fifth to the eighth century. Trivium and Quadrivium 633 Manuals and compendia. Boetius. Benedictines. Ireland . . . 534 Baeda. Charles the Great. His schools. Alcuin. The monasteries . 535 Latin studies after Charles the Great. Scholastic philosophy in the thirteenth century 636 Greek studies before the Renaissance. Italy. Constantinople . . 537 Humanism in Italy. Petrarch, 1304-74 538 Rienzi. Relation of Petrarch to the ancients . . ... . 539 Petrarch's patrons ; his disciples. Boccaccio. Study of Greek . . . 540 Byzantine scholarship. Boccaccio. Manuel Chrysoloras, 1397- . . 641 Effect of the fall of Constantinople, 1453. Greek scholars in Italy . 642 John Argyropoulos (1456-71). Demetrius Chalcondylas (from c. 1447). John Lascaris (d. 1535) , :* . 543 Latin scholarship. Giovanni di Conversino. Coluccio de' Salutati. Gas- parino da Barzizza . . . . . . . . . . 543 Latinity. Letter- writing .... v ^"^ > . . . . 544 Lorenzo Valla (d. 1457). Bembo. Paulus Jovius 545 Erudition. Translation. Grammars. Criticism. Valla .... 546 Monuments of antiquity. Archaeology. Poggio. Biondo. Foundation of museums 547 Appreciation of ancient sculpture and architecture. Raffaelle . . . 648 Epigraphy. Search for MSS. Petrarch. Boccaccio. Poggio in Switzerland and Germany, 1414 549 Annals of Tacitus, 1508. Greek codices. Constantinople . . . 550 Filelfo. Vespasiano. Niccoli of Florence, d. 1437 551 Cosmo de' Medici. Vatican Library. Nicolas V. Calixtus III. Sixtus IV. 652 Private libraries. Urbino. Stages of progress in humanistic study. Oral teaching. Academies 553 Professors. Filelfo at Florence, 1429 654 Politian, 1454-94. His rhetorical gift 555 School training. Vittorino da Feltre 556 Vittorino at Mantua. Scope of education in his school .... 657 Guarino da Verona at Venice and Ferrara 658 Platonic Academy at Florence. Lorenzo de' Medici. His circle: Pico della Mirandola, Albert!, Michelangelo, Politian, Landino ... 559 Roman Academy. Pomponius Laetus, c. 1460. Neapolitan Academy. Jovianus Pontanus, c. 1468 .... 560 Printing in Italy. Rome, Venice, Milan, Florence 661 Aldo Manuzio at Venice, 1490-1515. Editions of Greek and Latin classics 562