Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/742

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706 CHAPTER IV. ITALY AND HER INVADERS. ( For a bibliography of the historical literature dealing with this period, very full within its limits, see Pastor, Geschichte der Papste, vol. in.) I. CONTEMPORARY CHRONICLES, MEMOIRS, AND PRINTED HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS. (For further indications on the contemporary authorities for this period, see Potthast, Bibliotheca Historica Medii Aevi, Berlin, 1895-6. See also Bibliographies of Chapters F. FI. VII. VIIL XII. in this Volume.) A. FLORENCE. Buonaccorsi, B. Diario de' success! piu important! seguiti in Italia Fiorenza, 1498-1512. Florence. 1568. Guicciardini, F. Opere inedite. 10 vols. Florence. 1857-67. Landucci, L. Diario Fiorentino, 1450-1516. Ib. 1883. Macchiavelli, N. Arte di guerra. Vol. iv. of edition "Italia. 1813." Historie Florentine (fragments). Ed. Passerini and Milanesl. Vol. n. Legazioni e Commisarie. Ed. Passerini and Milanesi. In Opere di N. M. IIL iv. Florence and Rome. 1874. Nardi, J. Istorie della Citta di Firenze. Ed. Gelli. 2 vols. Florence. 1858. Scala, B. Historia Fiorentina. In Graevius, Antiq. Ital. vm. i. Vettori, F. Sommario dell' istoria d' Italia, 1511-27. Arch. Stor. Ital. App. vi. B, pp. 261387. B. FRANCE. See also G. Monod. Bibliographic de 1'Histoire de France. Paris. 1888. Arcuate, J. F. de. Memorabilia in Adventu Caroli VIII in Ital. Rome. 1514. Auton, J. d'. Chronique de Louis XII. Ed. R. Maulde la Claviere. Soc. hist Fr. Paris. 1890 sqq. Bayard, Histoire du Chevalier. Par le loyal serviteur. Soc. hist. Fr. Paris. 1878. Bouchet, J. Panegyrique du Chevalier sans reproches (Louis de la Tr&nouille). Coll. Michaud et Poujoulat, vol. iv. Champier, S. Les grans Croniques des...ducs et princes de Savoye et Piemont. Paris. 1516.