Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/754

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718 Florence I. Savonarola. Pagnini. Delia Decima. Vol. i. Lisbon and Lucca. 1765-6. Pastor, L. Geschichte der Papste. Vol. m. English translation. Vol. y. London. 1898. Zur Beurtheilung Savonarola's. Freiburg i. B. 1898. (An answer to P. Luotto; see above.) Pelissier, L. G. Louis XII et Ludovic Sforza. 1897. Pellegrini, F. Arch, della R. Soc. Rom. xi. 1887. Giorn. Stor. della Letteratura Ital. x. xn. Perrens, F. T. Histoire de Florence. Vol. n. Paris. 1888. Jerome Savonarole, sa vie, ses predications, sea ecrits. 2 vols. Paris. 1856. Revue Historique. 1888. Piccolo Messaggiere, il, per il 4 centenario di Fra G. Savonarola. No. 6. May, 1898. Pometti, F. Nuova Antologia. June, 1898. Procter, J. The Dominican Savonarola and the Reformation. A reply to Dean Farrar. 1895. Ranke, L. von. Savonarola und die florentinische Republik. In Historisch-bio- graphische Studien. (Containing extracts from Parenti and Cerretani.) Vols. XL. and XLI. of Sammtliche Werke. Leipzig. 1874, etc. Reumont, A. von. Lorenzo de' Medici. 2 vols. Leipzig. 1874. Eugl. trans. by R. Harrison. Vol. 11. London. 1876. Rohr, J. Die Prophetic im letzten Jahrhundert vor der Reformation. Hist. Jahrbuch xix. 1, 3. 1898. Rondoni, G. Arch. Stor. Ital. Ser. v. i. 1888. Rudelbach, A. G. Hieronymus Savonarola und seine Zeit. Hamburg. 1855. Saturday Review. Jan. 26, 1889. Schnitzer, J. Savonarola im Lichte der neuesten Literatur. Historisch-politische Blatter fur das katholische Deutschland. Vol. cxxi. 1898. Vol. cxxv. 1900. Sickinger, C. Savonarola, sein Leben und seine Zeit In Katholische Studieu, Jahrg. in. 1877. "Spectator." Allgemeine Zeitung, Beilage, November 2, 1898. Tocco, F. La Vita italiana nel Rinascimento. Vol. n. Milan. 1893. Tommasini, O. La Vita e gli Scritti di Niccolo Machiavelli. Turin. 1883. Villari, P Arch. Stor. It. Ser. v. i. 1899. Girolamo Savonarola e 1' ora presente : a speech in celebration of the cen- tenary. Rivista d' Italia. No. 7. Also separately printed. La Storia di G. Savonarola. 2 vols. Florence. 1887. (Contains a large number of rare or unpublished documents.) Engl. trans, by Linda Villari. (Contains some additions, but omits the documents.) London. 2 vols. 1888. New edition. 1897. On the early Biographies. Rivista Stor. Ital. No. i. 1884. Reply to Pellegrini. Arch. Stor. Ital. Ser. v. i. 1888. Reply to Perrens. Revue Historique. 1888. Zardo, A. La Tirannide secondo il Savonarola e 1* Alfieri. Rassegna Nazionale. LXXXIII. Ziegler, H. Savonarola, ein Vorlaufer der Reformation. Berlin. 1870.