Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/781

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746 CHAPTER X. HUNGARY AND THE SLAVONIC KINGDOMS. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Krones, F., Hitter von Marchland. Grundriss der osterreichischen Geschichte. Vienna. 1882. Index of subjects and names, pp. 926 sqq.; for the period treated in this Chapter, see pp. 390440. (Up to the date of its publication the most complete bibliography of Austro-Hungarian history.) Chevalier, U. Repertoire des sources historiques du Moyen Age. Part n. : Topo- Bibliographie. Montbe'liard, 1894, etc. See s. w. Boheme, Hongrie, Pologiie (published 1901). (Useful lists.) Potthast, A. Bibliotheca historica medii aevi. Second revised edition. Berlin. 1896. (Contains in Appendix, nos. 17, 18, 19, the chief sources of the history of Bohemia, Hungary and Poland respectively ; while the literature on those sources is given in the body of the work.) Horvath, E. (Jen6) de Rona. Magyar hadi krdnika (Hungarian military annals). Published by the Hungarian Akademia. Budapest. 1895. (Contains full lists of the literature bearing on the military events of the period, pp. 245, 331.) Havass, R. Bibliotheca Hungariae geographica. (Contains a full bibliography of local historiography.) Finkel, L. Bibliografia historyi Polskiej, I. (Polish historical bibliography.) Lem- berg. 1891. Zeissberg, H. Die polnische Geschichtsschreibung im Mittelalter. Leipzig. 1873. As to Bohemia the most complete bibliographical indications will be found in Krones (see above) : and in E. Denis, Fin de 1'inde'pendance de la Boheme. 2 vols. Paris. 1890. Jastrow's Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaft contain ample material to bring up the bibliography within two years of the present date. For current literature, i.e. such as appeared not earlier than three months previously, consult English Historical Review, Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Geschichtswissenschaft, His- torische Zeitschrift, and the publications of the Academies of Science at Vienna, Budapest, Cracow and Prague. For the reign of Matthias Corvinus, covering the period of thirty-two years previous to that treated of in this chapter, see the full list of the sources bearing on the reign, in Hadtorteneti Kozlemenyek (Annals of military history), published by the Hungarian Academy, in Part for 1800, pp. 252264; and in Part for 1894, pp. 695698.