Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/809

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773 CHAPTER XV. ECONOMIC CHANGE. The course of economic progress has always been closely linked with that of political change and the sources of information regarding it are not really distinct. An exhaustive list of authorities for this period would necessarily include all collections of Treaties, since they throw much light on commercial relationships, all collections of Statutes and Royal or Civic Ordinances and numberless histories of separate localities. The present list is merely intended to assist the student by calling his attention to some important books and papers, which are primarily of economic interest. Additional bibliographical information will be found in many of these books, and especially in the works distinguished by an obelus (t). I. GENERAL. Beer, A. Allgemeine Geschichte des Weltliandels. Vienna. 1860-84. tCossa, L. An introduction to the study of political economy, translated from the Italian. London. Italian edition, Milan. 1893. Cunningham, W. An Essay on Western Civilisation in its economic aspects. Cambridge. 1898-1900. Delisle, L. Ope'rations financieres des Templiers. Memoires de 1'Institut, Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Vol. xxxiu. Paris. 1888. Depping, G. B. Les Juifs dans le moyen age. Paris. 1834. Ehrenberg, R. Das Zeitalter der Fugger. Geldkapital und Creditverkehr im 16. Jahrhundert. Jena. 1896. Frignet, E. Histoire de 1'Association Commerciale depuis 1'antiquite jusqu'au temps actuel. Paris. 1868. Goetz, W. Die Verkehrswege im Dienste des Welthandels. Stuttgart. 1888. Goldschmidt, L. Handbuch des Handelsrechts. Vol. i. (Universalgeschichte des Handelsrechts.) Stuttgart. 1891. Heyd, W. Histoire du commerce du Levant au moyen age. Paris. 1885-7. French translation by F. llaynaud from the German, with author's additions. Leipzig. 1885. Mas Latrie, le Comte J. de. Relations et commerce de 1'Afrique Septentrionale avec les nations chretiennes au moyen age. Paris. 1886. Miller, K. Die altesten Weltkarten. Stuttgart. 1895. Naude, W. Die Getreidehandelspolitik der europai'schen Staaten vom 13. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. Acta Borussica. Berlin. 1896. Piton, C. Les Lombards en France. Paris. 1892.