Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/832

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796 Chronological Table. 1489 Diet of Frankfort. Free imperial towns secure right of appearing at Diets. 1490 Death of Matthias Corvinus and expulsion of Hungarians from Vienna. Wladislav of Bohemia succeeds to Hungary. Savonarola returns to Florence. 1491 Savonarola Prior of San Marco. Imperial reform efforts at Diet of Niirnberg. Marriage of Charles VIII of France and Anne of Britanny. 1492 Spanish expedition under Cristoforo Colombo discovers America. Fall of Granada and extinction of Moorish Kingdom. Death of Lorenzo de' Medici. Election of Pope Alexander VI. Siege of Boulogne. Treaty of Etaples. lleuchlin takes up the study of Hebrew. 1493 Papal bull divides field of oceanic enterprise between Spain and Portugal. Death of Emperor Frederick III and accession of Maximilian. . Treaty of Senlis. Artois and Franche Comte restored by Charles VIII. Treaty of Barcelona. Charles VIII restores Roussillon and Cerdagne. Marriage of Maximilian and Bianca Maria Sforza. Aldo Mantizzio begins series of Greek editions at Venice. 1494 Death of Ferdinand (Ferrante) of Naples. Charles VIII enters Italy. Expulsion of the Medici from Florence. Charles reaches Florence, and marches on Rome. Reform of Florentine Constitution under influence of Savonarola. Sir Edward Poynings opens Parliament of Drogheda. Death of Politian. Sebastian Brant's Narrenschiff printed at Basel. 1495 Charles enters Naples as conqueror. League against France between the Pope, Maximilian, Ferdinand, Milan, and Venice. Charles leaves Naples. Battle of Fornovo. Diet of Worms. The reforming Edict of Worms. 1496 French dispossessed in Naples. Failure of Maximilian's Italian campaign. Diet of Lindau. Disfranchisement of Polish peasants. Magnus Intercursus between England and the Netherlands. The Infante Juana marries Archduke Philip. Henry VIII's charter to John Cabot and his sons. 1496-7 Voyage of John Cabot to coasts of Labrador and Newfoundland. 1497 Vasco da Gama doubles the Cape of Good Hope and reaches Calicut. Establishment of permanent Meichskammergericht. Infante Juan marries Margaret, Maximilian's daughter. Collapse of the Perkin Warbeck conspiracy. 1497-8 Synods of Alcala and Talavera. 1498 Accession of Louis XII of France. Duchy of Orleans and County of Blois united to Crown. Execution of Savonarola. Death of Torquemada. Erasmus at Oxford. Colet returns from Italy. 1499 Peace of Basel recognises Swiss independence of imperial jurisdiction. Pinzon and Amerigo Vespucci re-discover America. Revolt in Granada. Alcala University founded. First conquest of Milan by Louis XII.