Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/839

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Index. 803 Eokhari, "Master," 434 Ecuador, 45 Eden, Richard, 52 sqq. Edgeoombe, Sir Eichard, 471 Edrisi (Abu Abd-allah Mohammad), 9 Edward I, King of England, 301 Edward III, King of England, 257 Edward IV, King of England, 390, 430, 463 sq. Edward VI, King of England, 52 Edzard, Prince of East Friesland, 453 Egypt, Ottoman conquest of, 91 Electoral College, the, 291 sq. Elizabeth of Gdrlitz, 421 Eleass, "New league" of the towns of, 295, 307 Empire, the, chap, rx, passim ; Diet of the (Reichstag), 290 sqq. Empson, Sir Richard, 477 sq. Encina, Juan del, 380 England, naval power of, 522 sq. ; industry and agriculture in, 524 ; intellectual and social condition of, early in sixteenth century, 490 sqq. ; Hebrew learning in, 690; commercial relations of, with the Netherlands, 452 Erasmus, Desiderius, 435, 437, 460-2, 545, 563, 569-71, 579, 580, 606-8, 642, 682; his Greek Testament, 603 Erigena, John Scotus, 535 Espanola, 40 Esquivel, Juan de, 41 Este, Alfonso d', 137 Este, Azzo d', 261 Este, Ippolito d', Archbishop of Gran, 658 Estienne, Henri, 576, 613 Estienne, Robert, 576, 615 Estouteville, Cardinal d', 388 Etaples, treaty of, 111, 467 Eugenius IV, Pope (Gabriel Condulmero), 237, 385 sq., 552 Evil Mayday (April 30, 1517), 488 Eyck, Hubert van, 433 Fabricius, John Albert, 614 Faenza, surrender of, to Cesare Borgia, 238; seizure of, by the Venetians, 244 Federigo, King of Naples, 118, 124, 234, 245 Felix V, anti-Pope, 623 Ferdinand I, Emperor, 343 Ferdinand, King of Aragon, 81, 115, 119, 126 sqq., 193, 198, 251, 308, 316, 346- 68, 379, 394, 466, 476, 482, 656 Fernando, Don, Regent of Portugal, 363 Ferrante, King of Naples, 104 sq., 110, 124, 227, 387, 665 Ferrantino, King of Naples, 114 sqq., 231, 234, 245 Ferrara, Niccolo d'Este, Marquis of, 558 Ferrara, war of, 261 Ferrari, Giuseppe, 341 Ficino, Marsilio, 147, 151, 188, 559 Filelfo, Francesco, 544, 554 Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester, 491, 580 Fitzgerald, Lord Thomas, 466 Fitzsimmons, Walter, 472 "Five Nations," the, 44 Flaminio, Marcantonio, 567 Flammock, Thomas, 469 Flanders, 257, 418, 428, 440; communes of, 425-9; commercial and industrial decline of, 429; the so-called treaty of, 449 Flemmyng, Robert, 597 Flodden, battle of, 482 Florence, 113, 118, chaps, r, vi, passim] Academy of, 559 ; cloth manufacture at, 496 Florida, 54, 55 Foix, Gaston de, 136, 137, 198, 250 Foix, Germaine de, 363 Fonseca (Spanish commauder), 373 Forll, surrender of, 238 Ferment, Damien, 382 Fornovo, battle of, 116 Foscari, Francesco (Doge of Venice), 276 sqq. Foscari, Jacopo, 282 Foucquet, Jean, 414 Foulques de Neuilly, 676 Foxe, Richard, Bishop of Winchester, 620, 645 France, chap, xn, passim; her relations to Italy, 107 sqq. ; her war with Spain (1502-3), 125; revival of her material prosperity, 525 sqq.; early humanism in, 575 Franche Comt6 cession of, to Austria, 229 Francis I, King of France, 43, 92 sqq. , 128, 140, 301, 388 sqq., 458, 484, 490 Francis I, Duke of Britanny, 392 Francis II, Duke of Britanny, 393 Franciscan Order, the, 591, 592 Franco, Duke of Athens, 74 Franconia, 297 sq. Frankfort, 304, 311; Diet of (1485), 302; peace of (1489), 394, 449 Fraticelli, the, 151, 623 Frederick H, Elector of Brandenburg, 297 Frederick H, Emperor, 260 Frederick III, Emperor, 76, 104, chap, ix, passim, 335, 344, 390, 442, 449, 687, 689 Frederick I (the Valiant), Elector of Saxony, 297 Frederick I (the Victorious), Elector Pala- tine, 296, 311 Frederick IH (the Wise), Elector of Saxony, 297, 310, 316, 321 Freiburg, 308; University of, 325 French Protestants and America, 48 Friesland, 421; subjection of, 453 Friuli, conquest of, 278 Frobisher, Sir Martin, 53, 54 Froissart, Jean, 433 Fuggers, the, of Augsburg, 358, 506, 618, 667 512