Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/12

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Tiii Contents. PAGE Failure of Julius' ideas. Decadence of Italy and corruption of the Papacy 27 Decline of literature and art ^ Scheme of Reform. Synod of Pisa, 1611 29 The Fifth Lateran Councilj 1512. The Council under Leo ... 30 Proceedings, and close of the Council (1617) ^^ Concordat with Francis I, 1616. Election of Paul III, 1534 ... 32 Paul III and the reform movement in the Church. Paul IV, and Pius V 33 Last days of Michelangelo. The fate of Italy 84 CHAPTER II. HABSBURG AND VALOIS. (I.) By Stanley Leathes, M.A., Fellow and Lecturer of Trinity College. The hereditary feud of Burgundy and Valois 36 Unstable equilibrium in Southern Europe. Resources of Charles V and Francis I 37 Characters of Charles V and Francis I 38 Nature and reactions of the struggle. Peace of Noyon, 1616 ... 39 Candidature for election to the Empire 40 Election of Charles V, 1519. Significance of the contest ... 41 Negotiations for alliance with Henry VIII and Leo X . . . . 42 Conclusion of alliance with Henry VIII. Informal outbreak of war, 1521 43 Occupation of Milan. Death of Leo X, 1621. Election of Adrian VI, 1522 44 Treaty of Windsor. Second campaign in Lombai'dy. Battle of the Bicocca, 1622 45 Disaffection of the Duke of Bourbon 46 Flight of the Duke, 1623. Failure of the invasions of France. Bonnivet in Italy 47 Siege of Milan. Retreat of Bonnivet, 1624. Policy of Clement VII . 48 Invasion of France under Bourbon. Siege of Marseilles and retreat, 1624. Francis crosses the Alps 49 Francis besieges Pavia. Battle of Pavia, 1526 60 Capture of Francis. Treaty of Madrid, 1626 61 Conspiracy of Girolamo Morone, 1625. League of Cognac, 1626 . . 62 Ineffective action of the League in the Milanese. Ugo de Moncada and the Colonna 63 Advance of the Duke of Bourbon, 1627 64 The Sack of Rome 66 Results of, and responsibility for the Sack of Rome .... 66 Invasion of Italy by Lautrec. Clement VII comes to terms with Charles V 67 Siege of Naples by Lautrec, 1528. Defection of Andrea Doria . . 68 Events at Genoa and in the Milanese. Peace of Cambray, 1529 . . 59 Treaty of Barcelona. Charles in Italy. Settlement of Italian affairs . 60 Coronation of Charles at Bologna. Causes of his success in Italy . . 61 Special features of the war, 1621-9 62 Resources of the Netherlands and Spain 63 Resources in Italy. Revenues of Francis I 64 Finance of Europe 65