Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/14

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Contents. CHAPTER IV. LUTHER. By the Rev, T. M. Lindsay, D.D., Principal of the Glasgow College of the United Free Church of Scotland. PAGE Balance of religious and political Ibrces in the Reformation . . . 104 Popular religious life in Germany in the fifteenth Century . . . 105 Religious revival. • The mendicant Orders 106 Cult of the Virgin and St Anne.-— Lay interference in the sphere of the Church 107 Municipal charity. Religious confraternities 108 Luther's youth at Eisleben^ Magdeburg, and Eisenach .... 109 At the University of Erfurt . HO Humanism and Scholasticism at Erfurt HI Luther's studies at Erfurt 112 He takes religious vowsj 1605. His doubts 113 The Augustinian Eremites. , • • H^ Luther's religious difficulties. Staupitz . 116 Luther's ordination. Transfer to Wittenberg, 1508 316 University of Wittenberg. Luther at Rome 117 Luther professor of theology, at Wittenberg 118 His teaching at Wittenberg 119 Gradual change in his position, 1616-17 120 Tetzel and the Indulgence, 1617 121 The practice of Indulgences 122 Publication of Luther's Theses, 1617. Theory of Indulgences . . 123 Origin of Indulgences. Treasury of merits 124 Indulgences and the Sacrament of Penance 125 Attrition and Contrition. Papal Indulgences 126 Abuses connected. The Scholastics 127 Remission of guilt. Luther's position 128 The "common man." The character of the Theses . . . . 129 Six propositions. The vogue of the Theses 130 Attaciss upon, and discussion of the Theses 131 Luther summoned to Rome, to Augsburg, 1618 t 132 Interview with the Cardinal-Legate 133 Mission of Miltitz to Germany. Interview with Luther . . . ' . 134 Papa Supi'emacy. Disputation with Eck at Leipzig. . ~. . . 136 Luther's writings 136 The Appeal To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation . . . 137 Attack on the Roman Church. Luther excommunicated .... 138 The Diet of Worms, 1521. The papal Nuncio, Aleander . . . 139 -Luther at the Diet 140 JiUther's condemnation. The Wartburg 141