Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/16

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xii Contents. PAOE Articles of the peasants. Spread of the movement 178 Religious element in the rising 179 Evangelical Brotherhood. Articles of Memmingen 180 Ulrich in WUrttemberg 181 Risings in the south and west 182 Leaders^ motives, and aims of the rebels 183 Utopian schemes 184 Socialistic and communistic movements in the towns ..... 186 Thomas Miinzer and his teaching 186 Massacre of Weinsberg, 1525 187 The rebels in Franconia. Attack on Wiirzburg 188 Defeats of the rebels. Philip of Hesse and Truchsess .... 189 Suppression of the rebellion, 1625-6 190 Results of the Peasants' Revolt 191 Its nature. Religious reaction 192 —Attitude of Luther towards the revolt 193 The Reformation in alliance with the Princes 194 Secularisation of Church property. Opposing leagues .... 195 Philip of Hesse. Recess of Speier, 1626 196 Clement VII and Charles V. Battle of Mohacs, 1626 .... 197 John Zapolya. Ferdinand King of Bohemia 198 Ferdinand King of Hungary. Effects of these preoccupations . . . 199 The Princes and the Lutheran Church 200 Demand for spiritual liberty. Luther's hymns and Catechism . . . 201 Pack's forgeries. Philip of Hesse and the Catholics .... 202 Charles and Clement VII ; the Treaty of Barcelona, 1529. The Diet of Speier, 1629. Lutherans and Zwinglians 203 Decisions of the Diet. The "Protest" 204 The original Protestants 206 CHAPTER VII. THE CONFLICT OF CREEDS AND PARTIES IN GERMANY. By A. F. Pollard, M.A. Protestant union ; its difficulties. The Turks invade Hungary . . 206 Siege of Vienna, 1529. Conference of Marburg 207 ^^Luther and Zwingli 208 Doctrine of the Eucharist 209 Protestant union impossible. Charles V in Grermany, 1530 . . . 210 Diet of Augsburg ; Confession of Augsburg 211 The Tetrapolitana. Position of Charles between the parties . . . 212 Fruitless negotiations. Catholic proposals ; fresh protest .... 213 Ferdinand, King of the Romans. Recess of Augsburg, 1631. Resort to legal process 214 The Protestant Princes at Schmalkalden 216 Battle of Kappel, 1631. Swiss war proposed by Ferdinand . . « 216 Inaction of Charles. League of Schmalkalden formed, 1631 . , . 217 dharles conciliates the Protestants. Turkish invasion repelled . . 218