Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/26

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xxii Contents. PAQB Questions still unsettled. Erastianism 695 Relations between State and Church in Scotland ..... 596 Elizabeth and the Calvinists. Zurich. Bullinger ..... 697 First years of Elizabeth 698 CHAPTER XVII. THE SCANDINAVIAN NORTH. By the Rev. W. E. Collins, B.D. The Scandinavian monarchies ......... 699 The Union of Kalmar, 1397. Defects of the compact .... 600 Changes in the united kingdoms. The clergy 601 Abuses in the Church. I. Denmark. Accession of Christian II in Denmark, 1613 602 Reconquest of Sweden by Christian 603 The Stockholm Bath of Blood, 1620. Christian's Danish policy . . 604 His exactions and administrative policy ....... 606 Beginnings of ecclesiastical Reform 606 New rules for the clergy. Christian's difficulties 607 Plight of Christian II. Position of his successor, Frederick I . . 608 Paul Eliaesen and his followers 609 Dispute concerning the see of Lund 610 Lutheran policy of Frederick I and his son Christian .... 611 Frederick I and the Bishops 612 Progress of the Reform. Death of Frederick I 613 Disputed election. The Count's War 614 Christian III. His successes. Fate of the Bishops .... 615 Superintendents. New Church Ordinance 616 Later history of the Reformation in Denmark. II. Norway . . . 617 Spoliation of the Church in Norway 618 Invasion of Christian II. Death of Frederick I. Archbishop Olaf and Christian III 619 Christian III in possession of the throne. His measures . . . 620 Reformation in Iceland. HI. Sweden. Rising under Gustaf Eriksson (Gustavus Vasa) g21 Gustavus King, 1623. His difficulties 622 Demands of money from the clergy. Relations with the Pope , . 623 Reformers in Sweden. Olaus and Laurentius Petri .... 624 The Diet of Vesteras, 1527 ••■...... 626 Gustavus' ultimatum. The Recess of Vesteras 626 Supremacy and policy of Gustavus g27 Gradual and progressive changes g28 The Ordinaries. Erik XIV — Johan III g29 Further ecclesiastical changes ggo Negotiations with the Papacy. The Jesuits 631 Defeat of the Romanising party. King Sigismund, 1592. The Council of Upsala gg2 Swedish religious settlement 633