Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/800

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770 The Helvetic Reformation. Mohr, T. von. Regesten der Archive der schweiz. Eidgenossenschaft auf Anoi-d- nung der schweiz. Geschichtlichen Gesellschaft. (Vol. i contains Einsiedeln, Canton Bern before the Reformation, Rapperschwyl, Abbey of Pfaffers, etc. by various writers.) Rottj E. Inventaire sommaire de documents relatifs a I'Histoire de la Suisse conserves dans les Ai-chives et Bibliotheques de Paris, et specialement de la Correspondance echangee entre les Ambassadeurs de France aux Ligues et leur gouvernement, 1440-1700. [Part i is for 1444-1610, and Part v contains the Index.] Schweizer, P. Verzeichniss der Zwingli-Autographen aus dem Staatsarchiv in Zurich. In Theologische Zeitschrift aus der Schweiz, ed. Meili, 1885, pp. 196 ff. with note on p. 232. Zurich. Stahelin, R. Zwingli-Autographen in Basel. Ibid. 1886, pp. 53-54. The Mss. have been largely worked over and printed, especially those for Zwingli's life. The Civic and Cantonal libraries are mostly catalogued. For foreign, diplomatic, and theological relations other libraries, although largely worked, have still material : e.g. Marburg', Stuttgart, Strassburg, and Innsbruck, II. A. EDITIONS OF WORKS. Huldrici Zwinglii Opera : Schnler and Schulthess. 8 vols. Zurich. 1828-42. Supplement by Schulthess and Marthaler. Zurich. 1861. A new edition by Dr Emil Egli and Dr Georg Finsler is in preparation, to be published at Berlin, under the of the Zwingli-Verein in Zurich. The fundamental edition was that of Froschauer, edited by Rudolph Gualter, 1544^5 : the vei-nacular works were translated into Latin. . A useful hand-book, arranged by subjects, is Huldreich Zwingli's Sammtliche Schriften in Auszuge, von L. Usteri und S. Vogelin. Zui-ich. 1819-20. 2 vols. For single works see the Bibliogi'aphy by Fiusler (above). III. CPIRONICLES, DOCUMENTS AND LETTERS. A. General Chbonicuss. Anshelm, V. Berner Chronik vom Anfang der Stadt Bern bis 1526. 6 vols. Bern. 1825-33. Also Bern, 1884. BuUinger, H. Reformationsgeschichte. Edited by Hottinger and Vogeli. Frauen- feld. 1838-40. Edlibach, G., mit Einleitung von J, M. Usteri. Mitteilung der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. Vol. iv. Zurich. 1846. Kessler. Sabbata. Chronik der Jahre 1523-39 : von Ernst Gotzinger. St Gallen, 1866-8. Mitteilungen z. vaterlandischen Geschichte. St Gallen. hist. Verein. Vols. v-x. A new edition with commentary is announced by Egli and Schoch. Myconius, O. Vita Huldrici Zwinglii ab Oswaldo Myconio conscripta. (The best edition is in Neander's Vitae Quatuor Reformatorum. Bei-lin. 1841.)