Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/814

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784 CHAPTER XII. THE CATHOLIC SOUTH. MANUSCRIPTS. Pietro Speziali de Gratia Dei is still in ms. in the St Mark's Library at Venice. Many letters and papers of Renee are in the Turin archives, at RomCj FlorencCj and Modena. Carnesecchi's process is in the Archives of Trinity College, Dublin, and Caracciolo's Life of Pius IV. in many transcripts, at Rome (Barberini), Naples, and London (Brit. Mus. Harl.). The process of Carranza is in the Library of the Real Academia de la Historia at Madrid. The documents of the Inquisition at Udine, Modena, Naples, Palermo and else- where have not yet been entirely used for historical purposes. PUBLISHED DOCUMENTS. Artigny, A. G. de. Nouveaux Memoires d'histoire. Paris. 1H9. Vol. n. [The process against Serveto at Vienne.] Beccadelli, L. Monumenti. Ed. G. Morandi. 3 vols. Bologna. 1797, 1799, 1804. Bembo, P. (Card.). Opere. Ed. Morelli. 12 vols. Milan. 1808-10. Biblioteca della Riforma Italiana. 1883 f. Boehmer, E. Epistolae quaedam Joannis Sturmii et Hispanorum qui Argentorati degerunt. 1872. Cabre, A. Cartas de San Ignacio de Loyola. Madrid. 1874, etc. Caracciolo, A. De vita Pauli IV collectanea historica. Cologne. 1612. Castelvetro, L. Opere, cplla vita deU' autore scritta dal L. A. Muratori. Bern. 1727. Contarini, G. Regesten u. Briefe des Cardinals C. Ed. P. Dittrich. Braunsberg. 1881. Opera. Paris. 1671. Crespin, J. Histoire des Martyrs persecutes et mis h mort pour la verite de I'^vangile. 1685. New edition. Toulouse. 1886. Documentos ineditos para la historia de Espana. Vols, v, x, xi, xl, lxviii. 1842, etc. Doellinger, I. von. Beitrage zur Geschichte. Vol. i. Ratisbon. 1862. Enzinas, F. de (Dryander). Epistolae quinquaginta. In Kahnis's Zeitschrift fur die historische Theologie, 1870, pp. 387 ff. Leipzig. Memoires. Ed. Campan. 2 vols. Brussels. 1862-3. German translation with notes by E. Boehmer. Bonn. 1893. Fazy, H. Proces de Valentin Gentilis et de Nicolas Gallo. In Memoires de I'lnstitut national Ge'nevois. Vol. xrv. Geneva. 1878. Ferrero, E. and Miiller, G. Carteggio di Vittoria Colonna. Turin. 1889.